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基于LUCC的泾河流域景观格局与径流的响应关系     被引量:12

Relationship between landscape pattern and runoff based on LUCC in Jinghe river watershed



英文题名:Relationship between landscape pattern and runoff based on LUCC in Jinghe river watershed

作者:刘芳[1] 熊伟[1] 王彦辉[1] 于澎涛[1] 徐丽宏[1]








外文期刊名:Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment





外文关键词:Jinghe river watershed;runoff;land use change;landscape pattern


摘要:量化分析土地利用/覆被和景观格局变化与径流的响应关系对于科学认识、评估和管理区域水资源及其生态修复具有极为重要的理论价值和现实意义。基于GIS和Fragstats等软件,文中分析了泾河流域土地利用类型和景观格局变化及其对径流的影响。结果表明:1)降水量呈现先下降后微弱上升的变化规律且年际变化剧烈,其最大值和最小值分别为713. 49mm(2003年)和348. 18mm(1997年);径流量则表现为逐渐减少的趋势,其最大值和最小值分别为72. 16mm(1966年)和13. 59mm(2004年)。2) 1980-2010年,该流域的景观类型以耕地和草地为主,二者占总面积的87%以上;其次是林地,占比8. 98-9. 97%;而水域、建设用地和未利用土地仅占1. 96-2. 39%。受退耕还林还草等工程实施的影响,森林和草地的面积分别增加了447. 08km2和201. 58km2。3)研究期内流域景观格局朝着低连通、破碎化和异质性高的方向演变。相关分析表明:蔓延度指数(CONTAG)和面积加权平均斑块形状指数(AWMSI)与年径流深呈显著正相关,说明各斑块之间聚集程度的增加和斑块形状的复杂化有利于径流的形成,而斑块数量(NP)、斑块密度(PD)、景观分割度(DIVISION)和Shannon均匀度指数(SHEI)与年径流深呈显著负相关,说明景观破碎化和异质性的提高对径流有明显的阻滞作用。
Quantitative analysis of the impacts of land use change and landscape pattern on runoff has great theoretical value and practical significance to understand,evaluate and manage water resources and ecological restoration in a given watershed.In this research,the effects of changes in land use and landscape pattern on runoff were analyzed by using GIS and Fragstats software.The results showed: 1) Precipitation showed a trend of first decrease and then increase,with a drastically variation during 1966-2010;the maximum and the minimum of annual rainfall were 713.49 mm in 2003 and 348.18 mm in 1997 respectively.While average annual runoff showed a downward trend,and the maximum and the minimum of annual rainfall were 72.16 mm in 1966 and13.59 mm in 2004 respectively.2) Farmland and grassland were the two dominant landscape types,accounted for over 87% of total area of the watershed;forests was followed with a ratio of 8.98%-9.97%;water area,construction land and unused land only accounted for 1.96%-2.39% together.Areas of forests and grassland increased by 447.08 km^2 and 201.58 km^2,respectively,due to the practice of Grain for Green project,etc.3)Landscape pattern of the watershed tended to be characterized by deceasing of connectivity and increasing of fragmentation and heterogeneity from 1980 to 2010.Correlation analysis showed that contagion index( CONTAG)and area-weighted mean shape index( AWMSI) were significantly positive correlation with runoff,indicating the increase of aggregation degree between patches and the shape complexity of patch were conducive to the formation of runoff.However,significantly negative relationships between runoff and number of patches( NP),patch density( PD),landscape division index( DIVISION) and Shannon’s evenness index( SHEI) meant the fragmentation and heterogeneity of landscape contributed to impede the development of runoff.



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