Projections of China’s Forest Carbon Storage and Sequestration and Ways of Their Potential Capacity Enhancement
英文题名:Projections of China’s Forest Carbon Storage and Sequestration and Ways of Their Potential Capacity Enhancement
作者:刘世荣[1] 王晖[1] 李海奎[2] 余振[3] 栾军伟[4]
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:forest ecosystem;carbon storage;carbon sink;forest management;carbon sequestration potential;carbon sink enhancement
摘要:增强森林固碳增汇功能是减缓大气二氧化碳浓度上升和全球气候变暖的重要手段,也是实现碳中和国家战略目标的有效途径。本研究基于文献分析法和模型模拟,系统阐述中国森林碳储量和碳汇现状、动态变化与潜力提升途径。根据国家森林资源连续清查数据测算的森林植被碳储量近5年平均年增长0.152 Pg(以C计),2000s—2010s中国陆地生态系统碳汇量约229.7 Tg·a^(-1)(以C计),其中森林植被(指乔木林)碳储量约增加150.6 Tg·a^(-1)(以C计),约占整个陆地生态系统植被碳汇量的65.6%。过去70年,中国森林已从碳源转变为逐渐增强的碳汇。在森林面积保持不变的情景下,相比2000s—2010s时段,2030年后现有乔木林的生物量碳汇将有所下降;如果森林面积未来持续增加,2030—2050年中国新增乔木林的碳汇量仍将呈增加趋势。在全球变化背景下,气候变化及其引发的风险(极端干旱与热浪事件、森林火灾、病虫害等)可能会削弱森林碳汇功能。为维持并提升森林碳储量和碳汇潜力,需要采取森林碳储与碳汇双增以及森林碳汇与木质林产品碳库协同提升的策略,从保碳、增碳、扩碳和碳资源化利用的汇转移4个途径对森林资源实施保护修复、精准绿化、科学经营与合理利用以及多时空尺度的优化布局,同时重视森林土壤碳库增汇的长期效应。在林业减缓和适应气候变化框架下,森林碳汇潜力提升未来研究重点是科学推进国土绿化适宜造林地和树种选择,森林经营增汇技术,森林碳储、碳汇协同提升与木质产品库的碳汇转移与存续的时空配置优化模式,森林土壤固碳增汇机制以及潜力研究,准确评估森林碳汇对实现国家碳中和目标的贡献及其时间表和路线图。
Enhancing forest carbon sink is an effective way to slow down the rising atmospheric carbon dioxide(CO2)concentration,contributing to China’s national strategic goals for carbon neutrality.This review summarizes major research progresses in quantification of dynamic changes in forest carbon storage and sink,and explores the ways of their potential capacity enhancement.According to the China’s national forest resources inventory,the carbon storage of forests has increased by an average annual rate of 0.152 Pg in the past five years.The carbon sink of China’s terrestrial ecosystems during the 2000s—2010s was about 229.7 Tg·a^(?1),of which forests(here only referring to arbor forests)increased by about 150.6 Tg·a^(?1),accounting for about 65.6%of the total terrestrial vegetation carbon sink.Over the past 70 years,China’s forests have turned from carbon source to rising carbon sink.The potential capacity of forest biomass carbon storage and sink are projected with the two scenarios.Without increasing afforestation,the existing forest biomass carbon sink will be likely to decline after 2030 compared with the base line of 2020,while it may continue to increase during 2030 to 2050 with increasing afforestation.Under the global change,climate change and climate-driven disturbance risks(such as extreme droughts and heatwaves,forest fires,pests and disease outbreaks)may fundamentally jeopardize forest carbon sinks.Therefore,in order to maintain and enhance the carbon sink capacity of China’s forests,it is necessary to scientifically optimize national forest management schemes in terms of carbon pool preservation of the existing natural forests,carbon sink enhancement either through rational management of the existing forests or through afforestation expansion,and carbon sink transfer from the living forests to the forest product pool for simultaneously maintaining sustainable improvements of both forest carbon stock and sink.Forest soils should be given due attention as a slowly increasing sink potential from a long-term perspective.Under the framework of forest mitigation and adaptation to climate change,future research priorities in forest carbon sequestration include identification of suitable site and tree species for land greening under a changing environment,forest adaptive management regime for carbon sequestration enhancement,insight into the mechanisms underlying forest soil carbon sequestration,and optimizing tempo-spatial patterns of synergistic enhancements in forest biomass carbon stock and sink capacity.In addition,there is a need to accurately assess the potential capacity of forest carbon sink contributing to achieving China’s carbon neutrality goal with the defined timeline and roadmap of the deliverables.