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赤皮青冈容器苗不同基质配比和缓释肥施用量的生长效应     被引量:42

Effect of Substrate Ratio and Slow-release Fertilizer Dose on the Growth of Containerized Cyclobalanopsis gilva Seedlings



英文题名:Effect of Substrate Ratio and Slow-release Fertilizer Dose on the Growth of Containerized Cyclobalanopsis gilva Seedlings

作者:吴小林[1] 张东北[1] 楚秀丽[2] 王秀花[1] 周志春[2]








外文期刊名:Forest Research





外文关键词:Cyclobalanopsis gilva; containerized seedling; substrate ratio; slow-release fertilizer; growth effect


摘要:以赤皮青冈1年生轻基质网袋容器苗为对象,采用析因试验设计,研究不同基质配比和缓释肥施用量对其生长及根系发育的影响,并提出优化育苗方案。结果表明,除根系发育的缓释肥效应不明显外,赤皮青冈容器苗生长对基质配比和缓释肥施用均较为敏感。随着基质中泥炭比例的增加,地径、生物量及根系指标值均呈现显著的先增高再降低现象,当泥炭所占比例为60%时,地径、各部位生物量及根系发育指标均达最大值。随着缓释肥施用量增大,苗高、生物量和根体积先升高再降低,当缓释肥施用量为2.5 kg·m-3时,相应指标值最大,且显著大于其它缓释肥施用处理,但其根系形态指标如根长、根表面积和根直径的缓释肥效应较小,不同缓释肥施用量间差异不显著。综合基质配比和缓释肥施用量两因素效应及其交互效应,采用模糊数学隶属函数法,为赤皮青冈1年生容器苗优选出最优育苗方案及备选的其它4种较优育苗方案。最优育苗方案为配比基质中泥炭:谷糠体积比6:4,并增施2.5kg·m-3缓释肥爱贝施(Apex)。
In factorial experiment design,one-year-old non woven fabric containerized Cyclobalanopsis gilva seedlings cultivated with light substrate were used to study the effect of different substrate ratios and varied doses of slowrelease fertilizer on the growth and root trait development,It is aimed to select the optimum scheme about substrate ratio and fertilizer doses for the seedlings.The results showed that the growth traits of the containerized seedlings took an obvious effect on the substrate ratio and slow-release fertilizer doses,while the effect of fertilizer on root growth was not enough to be noticed.The ground diameter,biomass and root index showed a significantly increase at first and then decreased along with the increase of peat proportion in the matrix.When the proportion of peat reached 60%,the ground diameter,biomass and root characteristics reached the maximum.At the same time,the seedling's height,biomass and root volume increased at first,and then decreased with the increasing slow-release fertilizer doses.As soon as applying slow-release fertilizer at doses of 2.5 kg · m^-3,the corresponding parameters value reached to the largest and significantly greater than that of other doses of slow-release fertilizer.However,the effect of slow-release fertilizer on the root morphology indexes such as root length,root surface area and average diameter was not obvious.There was no significant difference in the root traits among different doses of slow-release fertilizers.Based on two factors' effect of matrix ratio and slow-release fertilizer doses and their interaction effects,the optimum cultivation scheme and other four alternative programs for one-year-old containerized C.gilva seedlings were selected by fuzzy mathematics method.The optimal scheme for the seedlings is that volume ratio of peat to bran in substrate is 6:4 and with 2.5 kg slow-release fertilizer (Apex) per cubic metre matrix.



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