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Above- and Belowground Plant Functional Composition Show Similar Changes During Temperate Forest Swamp Succession  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录)   被引量:9


英文题名:Above- and Belowground Plant Functional Composition Show Similar Changes During Temperate Forest Swamp Succession

作者:Hu, Yu-Kun[1,2] Pan, Xu[1] Liu, Xu-Yan[3] Fu, Zhi-Xi[4] Zhang, Man-Yin[1,2]

第一作者:Hu, Yu-Kun;胡宇坤

通信作者:Zhang, MY[1];Zhang, MY[2]|[a00051fe3588fbc8d8c88]张曼胤;

机构:[1]Chinese Acad Forestry, Inst Wetland Res, Beijing Key Lab Wetland Serv & Restorat, Beijing, Peoples R China;[2]Hengshuihu Natl Wetland Ecosyst Res Stn, Hengshui, Peoples R China;[3]Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Geog Sci & Nat Resources Res, Key Lab Ecosystem Network Observat & Modeling, Beijing, Peoples R China;[4]Sichuan Normal Univ, Coll Life Sci, Chengdu, Peoples R China





基金:This work was supported by the Fundamental Research Funds of the Chinese Academy of Forestry (CAFYBB2020MA005 and CAFYBB2017QA039), National Natural Science Foundation of China (31901149), and China Scholarship Council (No. 201903270009).


外文关键词: above- and belowground linkages; chronosequence; community-weighted mean; fine roots; functional diversity; functional strategies; functional traits

摘要:Plant functional composition, defined by both community-weighted mean (CWM) traits and functional diversity, can provide insights into plant ecological strategies and community assembly. However, our understanding of plant functional composition during succession is largely based on aboveground traits. Here we investigated community-level traits and functional diversity for six pairs of analogous leaf and fine root traits of understory plants in a temperate forest swamp during succession with a decrease in soil pH and nutrient availability. CWMs of traits related to resource acquisition (including specific leaf area, specific root length, leaf N, leaf P, root N, and root P) decreased with succession, whereas those related to resource conservation (leaf dry matter content, root dry matter content, leaf tissue density, leaf C, and root C) increased along the forest swamp successional gradient. Multi-trait functional dispersion (FDis) of both leaf and fine root traits tended to decrease along the successional gradient, but functional richness and evenness were highest at the middle successional stage. Moreover, FDis of individual plant traits except N showed the same pattern as multi-trait FDis. Soil pH and nutrient availability were the main drivers of successional changes in both CWM traits and FDis. The changes of community-level traits along succession indicated a shift from acquisitive to conservative strategy of understory plants during forest swamp succession. Similar trends in leaf and fine root functional diversity along succession may indicate above- and belowground functional diversity are coordinated during the processes of plant community assembly. These findings of linkages between above- and belowground plant functional composition have important implications for plant community dynamics and assembly rules.



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