不同产脂量马尾松无性系木质部树脂道结构差异 ( EI收录) 被引量:3
Structural Differences of Xylem Resin Canals among Pinus massoniana Clones with Different Resin Yield
英文题名:Structural Differences of Xylem Resin Canals among Pinus massoniana Clones with Different Resin Yield
作者:魏永成[1] 刘青华[1] 周志春[1] 丰忠平[2]
通信作者:Liu, Qinghua
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:Pinus massoniana; resin yield; clones; xylem; resin canal; wound; anatomy
摘要:【目的】研究不同产脂量马尾松无性系嫩枝、未创伤与创伤树干木质部树脂道结构的差异,为高产脂量无性系的早期选择提供理论依据。【方法】以6个不同产脂量马尾松无性系为材料,采用石蜡切片技术,研究和比较其嫩茎、树干木质部树脂道结构和创伤后树脂道结构的差异性,并分析嫩茎、创伤与未创伤树脂道结构的相关性。【结果】在当年生嫩茎中,高、低产脂量马尾松无性系之间单位面积内树脂道总面积、单个树脂道平均面积差异显著,高产脂量无性系单位面积内轴向树脂道总面积和单个轴向树脂道平均面积分别为63 433μm^2·mm^(-2)和4832μm^2,为低产脂量的2.69和3.03倍,同时高产脂量无性系单位面积内径向树脂道总面积和单个径向树脂道平均面积分别为42 105μm^2·mm^(-2)和3 858μm^2,为低产脂量的3.19和3.44倍,但高、低产脂量无性系单位面积树脂道数目差异不显著;未受创伤树干木质部中,高、低产脂量马尾松无性系之间的差异性与嫩茎中的相似,高产脂量无性系单位面积内轴向树脂道总面积和单个轴向树脂道平均面积分别为96 229μm^2·mm^(-2)和17 656μm^2,比低产脂量的高12.15%和14.54%,同时高、低产脂量无性系单位面积树脂道数目差异也不显著;受到创伤树干木质部中,高产脂量无性系的单位面积内树脂道总面积和单位面积内树脂道数目分别为118 635μm^2·mm^(-2)和7.8个,比低产脂量的分别高23.96%和27.87%,而创伤后高、低产脂量无性系之间单个树脂道平均面积差异不显著。未受到创伤时,树脂道主要集中于晚材或早晚材过渡区域中,高产脂量无性系晚材宽度平均值为312μm,比低产脂量的高15.56%。受创伤影响,早材中出现诱导型树脂道,使木质部中单位面积内树脂道总面积和数目均增加,但高产脂量无性系中增幅比低产脂量的高,使高产脂量无性系在受到损伤时能够分泌并输送较多的松脂。嫩茎的单位面积树脂道总面积与未创伤树干木质部、损伤后树干木质部的相关性均达到显著程度,相关系数分别为0.533和0.444。【结论】高、低产脂量马尾松无性系解剖结构中单位面积内树脂道总面积差异均显著,由嫩茎的解剖特征可以推测不同产脂量无性系树干木质部树脂道的差异性,使高产脂量马尾松无性系的早期选择成为可能。
【Objective】Structural difference of resin canal in young stem,un-wounded and wounded trunks among Pinus massoniana clones with different resin yield were studied in order to provide theoretical basis for early selection of high resin yielding clones.【Method】Six clones of P. massoniana with different resin yield were measured using plant paraffin sections to compare differences of xylem anatomy between young stem and trunk and to investigate the structural changes due to wounding to the trunk. And correlations of resin canal structure among young stem,wounded and un-wounded trunks were analyzed. 【Result】The total area of axial canals per unit area and the average area of individual axial canals in young stems were significantly different between high and low yielding clones. The total area of axial canals per unit area and the average area of individual axial canals of high yielding clone were 63 433 μm^2·mm^-2and 4 832 μm2,2. 69 and 3. 03 times greater than the low yielding one. The total area of radial canals per unit area and the average area ofindividual radial canals of high yielding clones were 42 105μm^2·mm^-2and 3 858 μm^2,3. 19 and 3. 44 times greater than the low yielding one. However,the difference of frequencies of axial canals was not significant between high and low yielding clones. Similar difference was found in un-wounded trunks. The total area of axial canals per unit area and the average area of individual axial canals of high yielding clone were 96 229 μm^2·mm^-2and 17 656 μm^2,12. 15% and14. 54% more than the low yielding one. And the difference of frequency of axial canals was not significant between high and low yielding clones. In the wounded xylem,the total area and number of axial canals per unit area( 118 635 μm^2·mm^-2and 7. 9) of high yielding clone were 23. 96% and 27. 87% higher than those of the low yielding one. However,the difference of the average area of individual axial canals was not significant between the high and low yielding clones. In the un-wounded trunk,the resin canals are mainly distributed in latewood and transition area between early- and latewood. And the average width of latewood in high yielding clones was 312 μm,15. 56% greater than that of the low yielding ones. Influenced by wounding,resin canals were induced in early wood,leading to increase of the total area and number of resin canals in the xylem. However,the increase was higher in the high-yielding clone than in the low-yielding clone,resulting in higher resin yield in the high-yielding clone when wounded. The total area of resin canals in young stem was significantly correlated to that in wounded and un-wounded trunks,with correlation coefficients of 0. 533 and0. 444 respectively. 【Conclusion 】There was significant difference in total area of axial canals between high and low yielding clones. The difference of resin canals in trunk xylem could be predicted by the anatomic characteristics of young stems,indicating possibility of early selection of high resin yielding clones of P. massoniana.