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择伐对思茅松自然种群结构和空间分布格局的影响     被引量:17

Influences of selective cutting on the structure and spatial distribution patterns of a natural population of Pinus kesiya var. langbianensis



英文题名:Influences of selective cutting on the structure and spatial distribution patterns of a natural population of Pinus kesiya var. langbianensis

作者:黄小波[1,2] 李帅锋[1,2] 苏建荣[1,2] 苏磊[3]








外文期刊名:Acta Ecologica Sinica





外文关键词:Pinus kesiya var. langbianensis; DBH-Height equation; population structure; selective cutting intensity; pointpattern analysis; spatial association


Pinus kesiya var. langbianensis is an important source of timber and resin production in Yunnan Province, China. In forest management, selective cutting is an effective means of P. kesiya forest management, and is also the primary way to obtain timber. This study is based on data from sampling plots of a P. kesiya natural forest in Jinggu County, Yunnan Province. The method of substituting space for time using the L function (based on the derivatives of Ripley's K function) was used to analyze the influence of 10 years of different selective cutting intensities on the structure and spatial distribution patterns of a P. kesiya natural forest population. This study also investigated the relationship between P. kesiya's development stages and spatial scales. The results showed a significantly positive correlation between DBH and tree height after 10 years of selective cutting, and are used as a power model to simulate a prediction model. The P. kesiya population without selective cutting showed a decling population type. The population under low intensity selective cutting ( 12.9% ) showed a stable type, and the diameter-class structure of the population under medium intensity selective cutting (29.3%) presented an invert "J" shape, was an expanded type, and had more individuals with the small diameter class. This indicates that medium intensity selective cutting is useful for promoting regeneration. Both P. kesiya populations without selective cutting and with selective cutting under medium intensity were randomly distributed, but the latter tended to be more regularly distributed than the former. The spatial pattern of low intensity cutting changed from random to aggregated with the increase of scale. Selective cutting intensities changed the spatial distribution patterns of different DBH classes, and also influenced the overall distribution patterns of P. kesiya. With the progression of developmental stages, the distribution of trees under no selective cutting changed from random to aggregate. For large trees, the distribution pattern was most often random; the distribution patterns under low and medium intensity cutting changed from completely random to aggregated with the development, and an aggregated distribution at medium intensity selective cutting is more apparent than low intensity selective cutting. The different growth stages of P. kesiya populations were significantly positively correlated at all scales. Intraspecific competition was weak, which had the advantage of population maintenance. Low and medium intensity selective cutting may enhance the stability of the forest community spatial structure. Medium selective cutting is more effective at forest structure maintenance than low selective cutting. Our results have important theoretical and practical implications for establishing a development plan for the sustainable management of P. kesiya forests.



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