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杨树受机械损伤与光肩星天牛危害的防御性反应     被引量:2

Defensive responses of Populus deltoides cl. Beikang to mechanical injury and Anoplophora glabripennis infection



英文题名:Defensive responses of Populus deltoides cl. Beikang to mechanical injury and Anoplophora glabripennis infection

作者:张阔[1] 魏建荣[1] 李臻[2] 杨兵军[1] 王姣雪[1] 苏智[2]








外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology





外文关键词:Populus deltoides cl.Beikang;Anoplophora glabripennis;secondary metabolites;defense enzyme


Poplar, as the main tree species of the protection forest in the “Three-North” area of China, has been seriously damaged by Anoplophora glabripennis since 1970 s. Populus deltoides cl. Beikang(PDB) shows strong resistance to A. glabripennis, but the biochemical mechanism of resistance is unclear. In this study, the quantities of secondary metabolites and the activity of defense enzymes in bark and xylem from undamaged, mechanically damaged, and A. glabripennis infected PDB were detected by kit and HPLC techniques. The results showed different responses of PDB to mechanical damage and A. glabripennis infection. Secondary metabolites, the quantities of D-(-)-salicin and aspen significantly increased after mechanical injury compared with the undamaged materials, but the quantities of quercitrin decreased. The quantities of D-(-)-salicin and quercitrin significantly increased after insect infection, but without difference for aspen. There was no significant difference for the total quantities of phenolics between insect infected and uninjured xylem, but both were significantly lower than that in the mechanical damaged xylem. The quantities of aspen and flax lignans in the insect infected xylem was higher than those in the mechanical damaged xylem and uninjured xylem, while the quantities of total phenolic glycosides in the mechanical damaged xylem and the insect infected xylem were both significantly higher than that in the uninjured xylem. PAL activity was not different between mechanical damage and insect infection, whereas both were significantly higher than that of uninjured bark. SOD activity in mechanical damaged bark was significantly higher than that in insect infected bark, which were both higher than that of uninjured bark. POD activity had no significant difference between mechanical damage and insect infected xylem, but were higher than that of uninjured xylem. Compared with the uninjured PDB tree, the secondary metabolites and defense enzymes in the mechanical damaged and A. glabripennis infected PDB increased in varied degrees, which would be related with the resistance of PDB to external injury.



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