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崩岗修复中速生树种冠层结构对林内环境的影响     被引量:4

Overstory structural effects of fast-growing trees on the understory environment in the restoration of Benggang



英文题名:Overstory structural effects of fast-growing trees on the understory environment in the restoration of Benggang

作者:区余端[1] 吴刘萍[1] 杜雨霜[1] 曾庆锋[1] 王楚彪[2]








外文期刊名:Journal of Forest and Environment





外文关键词:Benggang;overstory structure;understory environment;fast-growing trees;canonical correlation analysis


摘要:为了筛选出崩岗集水坡面早期恢复演替阶段冠层迅速郁闭的常绿速生树种,探讨乔木层结构对林内环境的影响。以2013年在广东三岭山国家森林公园崩岗集水坡面种植的尾叶桉(Eucalyptus urophylla)、湿地松(Pinus elliottii)和大叶相思(Acacia auriculaeformis)纯林为研究对象,于2019年在3种林内分别建立10个20 m×20 m的连续样方,进行每木调查,获取冠层结构(叶面积指数和冠层孔隙度)和林下光照(林下总光照)指标,测定空气温度、空气相对湿度、土壤温度、土壤自然含水量等林内环境数据。结果表明:(1)从乔木生长指标来看,尾叶桉的树高、枝下高、胸径和材积均高于湿地松和大叶相思;(2)在3种林分中,大叶相思林内空气温度和土壤温度均最低,空气相对湿度和土壤自然含水量均最高;冠层孔隙度、叶面积指数和林下总光照在3种林分间差异显著(P<0.05),其中大叶相思林的叶面积指数最大,冠层孔隙度最小,林下总光照最低;(3)乔木层结构与林内环境的关系密切(典型相关系数r=0.936),且相关性极显著(P<0.001),乔木层结构可解释林内环境87.6%的变异。说明在崩岗早期恢复阶段,大叶相思林冠层郁闭速度较其它两种林分快,可迅速截留降雨、缓冲溅蚀、减少地表径流等,可用作土地干旱、贫瘠地区快速绿化的速生先锋树种。
Fast-growing tree species with rapid canopy closures were selected in the early stages of restoration on the catchment slope of Benggang. We investigated the effects of overstory structure on the understory environment. Pure stands of Eucalyptus urophylla, Pinus elliottii, and Acacia auriculaeformis trees that were planted on the catchment slope of Benggang, Guangdong Sanlingshan National Forest Park, were selected for research in 2013. Ten continuous plots of 20 m×20 m were established in each pure forest. The tally method was used to analyze the field data. The canopy structure(leaf area index [LAI] and canopy porosity) and understory light availability(transmitted total solar radiation) were obtained in 2019, and air temperature, air relative humidity, soil temperature, and soil natural water content were measured. the results were as follows:(1)Among the tree growth indices, the height, diameter at breast height(DBH), and volume of E. urophylla were higher than those of P. elliottii and A. auriculaeformis.(2)Among the three stands, the air and soil temperatures were the lowest and the air relative humidity and soil natural water content were the highest in the A. auriculaeformis stand. The canopy porosity, LAI and transmitted total solar radiation were significantly different among the three stands(P<0.05). The A. auriculaeformis stand had the highest LAI and the lowest canopy porosity, with the lowest transmitted total solar radiation among the three stands.(3)Overstory structure was closely correlated with the understory environment(canonical correlation coefficient r=0.936), and the correlation was highly significant(P<0.001). Overstory structure explained 87.6% of the variation in the understory environment. Fast-growing evergreen trees with fast canopy closures can be used in vegetation restoration to improve the characteristics of soil drought, and reduce soil respiration of the Benggang catchment slope. They are also beneficial for soil and water conservation.



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