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内蒙古查干淖尔湿地夏季鸟类组成和变化趋势  ( EI收录)  

Composition and Changing Trends of Birds in Summer in the Qagan Nur Wetland of Inner Mongolia



英文题名:Composition and Changing Trends of Birds in Summer in the Qagan Nur Wetland of Inner Mongolia

作者:陈丽霞[1,2] 付建平[3] 陆军[2] 杨亮亮[2] 丁长青[1]


通信作者:Ding, Changqing







外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:birds in summer;composition;trends;the Qagan Nur wetland


摘要:【目的】掌握内蒙古查干淖尔湿地夏季鸟类的组成及数量变化趋势以及栖息地类型的变化对鸟类群落组成的影响,为内蒙古查干淖尔湿地及鸟类的保护与管理提供科学依据。【方法】于2009—2014年每年8月份采用线路调查与样点观察法对查干淖尔湖湿地鸟类进行调查统计,并对不同年份鸟类群落的优势度指数,多样性指数、均匀度指数等特征参数进行分析,使用IBM SPSS Statistics、Excel软件以及R语言进行卡方检验、线性回归分析对不同年份鸟类群落特征的差异进行比较,并分析各气象因子与各年间鸟类组成的相关性。【结果】记录到内蒙古查干淖尔湿地夏季鸟类共18目37科171种,其中夏候鸟99种,旅鸟53种,留鸟16种,迷鸟2种,冬候鸟1种;按生态类型划分,涉禽58种,鸣禽50种,游禽41种,猛禽13种,攀禽5种,陆禽4种;国家Ⅰ级重点保护物种2种,国家Ⅱ级重点保护物种23种;列入IUCN红皮书的极危(CR)鸟类有青头潜鸭与白鹤,列入濒危(EN)鸟类有东方白鹳、猎隼和大杓鹬,有7种鸟类被列入易危(VU)物种,10种鸟类被列为近危(NT)物种。列入中美、中澳、中俄、中韩和中日迁徙鸟类名录的鸟类分别有73、44、156、126和92种。6年来,查干淖尔湿地各年间夏季鸟类相似性指数比较高,优势种、常见种和稀有种组成在不同年份有所变化;卡方检验结果显示,不同年份间的物种数、鸟种数量和多样性指数存在显著性差异,鸟类目数与科数逐年显著增加;夏候鸟种数、留鸟种数百分比、相对数量百分比逐年增加;涉禽与游禽的种数与数量有下降趋势,鸣禽的个体相对数量所占百分比明显增加。各气象因子与各年间鸟类组成的相关性分析显示,鸟类科数与最低气温呈显著正相关,多样性指数和均匀度指数与最低气温呈极显著正相关,优势度指数与最低气温呈极显著负相关,夏候鸟种数与最高气温呈显著负相关,与相对湿度呈极显著正相关,游禽相对数量百分比与相对湿度呈显著正相关,游禽种数与平均气温呈显著负相关。【结论】随着查干淖尔湿地湖泊萎缩,盐碱地、草地与林地不断增加,导致涉禽与游禽的种数与数量有下降趋势,而鸣禽数量有所增加,应建立长期的鸟类监测系统,并根据监测结果及时制定鸟类保护策略。
【Objective】This study aimed to understand bird composition and quantity change trend in summer,and the effect of habitat changes on bird community composition in order to provide scientific basis for the protection and management of the Qagan Nur wetland of Inner Mongolia in China.【Method】By using line-and point-sampling methods,bird surveys at the Qagan Nur wetland were conducted for six consecutive years in August of each year from 2009 to 2014.The dominance index,the diversity index and the evenness index of the bird communities were analysed with the collected data.The IBM SPSS Statistics,Excel software and R software were used to test the bird community differences for different years with the Chi-square test,and analyse the correlation between meteorological factors and bird composition in each year with the linear regression analysis.【Result】A total of 171 species in 37 families within 18 orders were recorded.Among them,there were 99 species of summer birds,53 species of migrants,16 species of residents,2 species of vagrants and 1 species of winter bird.According to the habitat chosen by these birds,there were 58 species of grallatores,50 species of songbirds,41 species of natatores,13 species of raptors,4 species of terrestores,and 5 species of scansores.According to their endangered status,there were 2 species ranked as key protected first class species in China,and 23 species ranked as key protected second class species in China.Baer’s Pochard(Aythya baeri)and Siberian Crane(Grus leucogeranus)were listed as critically endangered;the Oriental White Stork(Ciconia boyciana),Saker Falcon(Falco cherrug)and Far Eastern Curlew(Numenius madagascariensis)were listed as endangered;There were 7 species listed as vulnerable and 10 species listed as near threatened by IUCN.There were 73,44,156,126,and 92 species listed on the List of Bird Species in accordance with the migratory bird protection agreement between China and America,Australia,Russia,South Korea and Japan,respectively.In the six years,the similarity index for summer birds was relatively high,and the compositions of the dominant species,the typical species and the rare species changed in different years.The result of the Chi-square test showed that there were significant differences in the number of species,the number of birds and the diversity index across years.The number of orders and families increased significantly from year to year.The number of summer species,the percentage of resident species and the percentage of the relative number of resident birds also increased from year to year.The number of grallatores and natatores decreased,whereas the percentage of the relative number of songbirds increased significantly.The results of the correlation analysis between meteorological factors and bird composition revealed that bird families were significantly positively correlated with the min temperature.The diversity index and the evenness index were extremely significantly positively correlated with the min temperature.The dominance index was extremely significantly negatively correlated with the min temperature.The number of summer species was significantly negatively correlated with the max temperature and was extremely significantly positively correlated with the relative humidity.The percentage of the relative number of natatores was significantly positively correlated with the relative humidity.The number of natatores species was significantly negatively correlated with the average temperature.【Conclusion】With the shrinking of the Qagan Nur wetland and lake,the increasing of saline alkali land,grassland and forest land,the species and quantity of grallatores and natatores have a downward trend,while the number of songbirds has increased.It is suggested that long-term avian surveillance systems should be established and that effective management methods should be taken to protect the bird communities and their habitats in the Qagan Nur wetland.



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