由邓恩桉人工林转型的7年生丝栗栲天然林特征 ( EI收录)
Characteristics of 7-Year-Old Castanopsis fargesii Natural Forest Converted from Eucalyptus dunnii Plantation
英文题名:Characteristics of 7-Year-Old Castanopsis fargesii Natural Forest Converted from Eucalyptus dunnii Plantation
作者:王金池[1,2] 黄清麟[1,2] 严铭海[1,2] 黄如楚[3] 郑群瑞[4]
通信作者:Huang, Qinglin
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:Eucalyptus dunnii plantation;conversion;Castanopsis fargesii natural forest;stand characteristics;natural regeneration
摘要:【目的】首次报道福建省永安市持续遭受严重冻害的邓恩桉人工林转型的7年生丝栗栲天然林特征,为研究中亚热带人工林成功转型为天然阔叶林的基本条件、人工林植被控制、天然阔叶林的保护和乡土阔叶树的发展提供科学依据。【方法】在福建省永安市由邓恩桉人工林转型的丝栗栲天然林内设置3块20 m×20 m样地,将每块样地分割成4个10 m×10 m样方,对样方乔木层进行每木调查并在每块样地内选择1个有代表性的样方进行灌木层调查,同时,在每块样地的中心各设置1个4 m×4 m的草本层小样方进行草本植物调查。采用重要值、常用的生物多样性指标和主要测树因子分析乔木层和灌木层的树种组成与多样性以及林分生长等林分特征。【结果】由邓恩桉人工林转型的7年生丝栗栲天然林的平均胸径、平均树高、株数密度和蓄积量分别为5.1 cm、6.8 m、6350株·hm-2和47.70 m3·hm-2;林木高径比为43~393,平均高径比为146;直径和树高结构表现出异龄林特征;林分内实生和萌生林木的株数占比分别为84.78%和15.22%,邓恩桉以枯立木或枯倒木的形式存在,枯立木密度为550株·hm-2。乔木层有51个树种,Shannon-Wiener指数、均匀度指数和生态优势度分别为4.20、0.74和0.11;乔木层内乔木和灌木分别有38和13种,重要值分别为87.32%和12.78%;乔木层内常绿和落叶树种分别有30和21种,重要值分别为57.93%和42.07%;乔木层内常绿阔叶乔木的株数和树种数均较落叶阔叶乔木多;乔木层内丝栗栲为优势种,重要值为24.41%,其相对多度、相对频度和相对优势度均为层内最大。灌木层有21个树种,Shannon-Wiener指数、均匀度指数和生态优势度分别为3.68、0.84和0.10;灌木层内乔木和灌木分别有15和6种,乔木树种的株数占比(47.68%)小于灌木树种(52.32%),但其重要值(53.91%)高于灌木树种(46.09%);灌木层内常绿树种的树种数及相对多度、相对频度、相对优势度和重要值均高于落叶树种;灌木层所有树种中,细枝柃的相对多度、相对频度、相对优势度和重要值均最大。与相近年龄的人促丝栗栲林相比,7年生丝栗栲天然林特征与相近年龄的人促丝栗栲林已无本质区别,属较为典型的幼林阶段中亚热带天然阔叶林。林分乔木层和灌木层中均有不少珍贵或高价值用材树种。【结论】邓恩桉人工林已经成功转型为树种多样性丰富、异龄林特征明显的7年生丝栗栲天然林。该丝栗栲天然林具有较高的郁闭度、株数密度、林木高径比和蓄积量,林分特征与相近年龄的人促丝栗栲林已无本质区别,属较为典型的幼林阶段中亚热带天然阔叶林,是中亚热带人工林成功转型天然阔叶林的典型案例。
【Objective】It’s the first time to report the characteristics of 7-year-old Castanopsis fargesii natural forest which was converted from Eucalyptus dunnii plantation that suffered from successive freezing damage in Yong’an,Fujian Province,aiming to provide a scientific basis for revealing the basic conditions for the conversion of plantations into natural broad-leaved forests in mid-subtropical zone,the vegetation control of plantation,the protection of natural broad-leaved forest and the development of native hardwood forest.【Method】3 sample plots in size of 20 m×20 m were set in the natural forest of C.fargesii which was converted from E.dunning plantation in Yong’an,Fujian Province,and each plot was divided into four 10 m×10 m quadrats.The arbor layer of each quadrat was investigated and one representative quadrat in each plot was selected for shrub layer investigation.At the same time,a small quadrat of 4 m×4 m was set in the center of each plot for the investigation of the herb layer.The stand characteristics such as tree species composition,diversity of the arbor layer and shrub layer and stand growth were analyzed by using important values,commonly used diversity indices and main stand description factor.【Results】The mean DBH,mean height,density and volume of the 7-year-old C.fargesii natural forest which was converted from E.dunnii plantation were 5.1 cm,6.8 m,6350 stems·hm-2 and 47.70 m3·hm-2,respectively.The ratio of height to diameter was between 43 and 393,and the average was 146.Both the diameter and tree height structure showed the characteristics of heterogeneous forest.The proportions of regenerated seedlings and sprouts were 84.78%and 15.22%,respectively.E.dunnii was in the form of dead standing tree or down-timber,and the density of dead standing tree was 550 stems·hm-2.There were 51 tree species in the arbor layer,and the Shannon-Wiener index,evenness index and dominance index were 4.20,0.74,and 0.11,respectively.The number of arbor and shrub species in the arbor layer were 38 and 13,and the importance values were 87.32%and 12.78%,respectively.There were 30 evergreen and 21 deciduous tree species in the arbor layer,with the importance values of 57.93%and 42.07%;and the number of trees and tree species of broad-leaved evergreen were more than that of deciduous broad-leaf trees.C.fargesii was the dominant species in the arbor layer,and its relative abundance,relative frequency,relative dominance and importance value were the largest.There were 21 tree species in the shrub layer.The Shannon-Wiener index,evenness index and dominance index were 3.68,0.84,and 0.10,respectively.The number of arbor and shrub species were 15 and 6,respectively,and the proportion of arbor species(47.68%)was less than shrub species(52.32%),but its importance value(53.91%)was higher than that of shrub species(46.09%).In the shrub layer,not only the number of tree species but also the relative abundance,relative frequency,relative dominance and importance value of evergreen tree species were higher than that of deciduous tree species.Among all the tree species in the shrub layer,the relative abundance,relative frequency,relative dominance and importancevalue of the Eurya loquaiana were the largest.Compared with the C.fargesii forest by artificial measures promoting natural regeneration(AMPR)of similar ages,there were no differences in characteristics of the 7-year-old C.fargesii between the natural forest and those of similar ages.It belongs to a relatively typical subtropical natural broad-leaved forest in the young stage.Both in arbor and shrub layer,there were many precious or high value timber tree species.【Conclusion】The E.dunnii plantation has been successfully converted into 7-year-old C.fargesii natural forest with rich tree species diversity and distinct characteristics of heterogeneous forest.This C.fargesii natural forest has a high canopy density,tree number density,ratio of height to diameter and stand volume.The stand characteristics of the 7-year-old C.fargesii natural forest were no longer essentially different from those of C.fargesii forest byartificial measures promoting natural regeneration atsimilar age.It was a relatively typical subtropical natural broad-leaved forest in the young period and a typical case of successful conversion of the subtropical plantation into a natural broad-leaved forest.