不同经营模式对蒙古栎天然次生林林分结构和植物多样性的影响 ( EI收录) 被引量:12
Effects of Different Management Models on Stand Structure and Plant Diversity of Natural Secondary Forests of Quercus Mongolica
英文题名:Effects of Different Management Models on Stand Structure and Plant Diversity of Natural Secondary Forests of Quercus Mongolica
作者:冯琦雅[1] 陈超凡[2] 覃林[2] 何亚婷[1] 王鹏[1] 段艺璇[1] 王雅菲[1] 何友均[1]
通信作者:He, Youjun
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:natural secondary Quercus mongolica forests; target tree forest management; comprehensive tendingmanagement; vegetation structure; plant biodiversity; species similarity
摘要:【目的】研究不同经营模式对蒙古栎天然林林分结构和物种多样性的影响,为蒙古栎天然次生林恢复、森林质量提升及可持续经营提供科学依据。【方法】以黑龙江省哈尔滨市丹清河实验林场的蒙古栎天然次生林群落为研究对象,采取随机布设与典型抽样相结合的方法进行样地调查,研究目标树经营、综合抚育经营和无干扰3种经营模式对植物群落结构和多样性的影响。【结果】经过17年的经营实践,目标树经营模式中蒙古栎优势度下降明显,红松和红皮云杉优势度大幅增加并成为优势种;综合抚育经营和无干扰林分中蒙古栎优势度保持不变,其他树种优势度降低但树种组成发生变化;目标树经营和综合抚育经营模式中出现新的珍贵树种(黄檗、胡桃楸);蒙古栎胸高断面积绝对值在3种经营模式间差异很大,表现为目标树经营(5.3 m2·hm-2)<综合抚育经营(11.0m2·hm-2)<无干扰(21.6 m2·hm-2);蒙古栎在各经营模式中均占有最大优势度,且目标树经营(55.1%)明显小于综合抚育经营(78.1%)和无干扰(79.6%);红松在目标树经营模式中的胸高断面积(2.8 m2·hm-2)和优势度(32.3%)都明显高于另外2种经营模式;林分平均密度和平均树高表现为无干扰显著大于另外2种经营模式(P<0.05),目标树经营与综合抚育经营模式间无显著差异;林木平均胸径在3种经营模式间无显著差异;从径级结构来看,除1~5和35~40 cm 2个径级外,无干扰模式的其他径级林木数量都明显多于目标树经营和综合抚育经营;从垂直结构来看,无干扰模式在>10 m的各层级都明显大于目标树经营和综合抚育经营;目标树经营、综合抚育经营和无干扰3种经营模式下乔木层物种多样性无显著性差异(P<0.05);综合抚育的灌木层物种多样性显著大于目标树经营和无干扰(P<0.05);目标树经营和综合抚育经营的草本层物种丰富度指数显著大于无干扰,3种经营模式中其他类型的多样性指数无显著差异(P<0.05);目标树经营与综合抚育经营的林分相似度最高,而目标树经营与无干扰林分相似度最低。【结论】目标树经营通过补植红松等后期树种的方式,成功地将后期树种引入林分,同时促进一些珍贵树种的生长;而短期来看,不加干扰的林分生产力水平高于目标树经营和综合抚育经营的林分;对于蒙古栎天然次生林而言,森林经营如何在长时间尺度上提高林分生长量,还需长期监测和深入研究。
【Objective】To provide scientific basis for optimizing the management models of natural secondary forest in northeast China and improving forest quality. 【Method】Take natural secondary forest of Quercus mongolica of Danqinghe Experimental Forest Farm of Harbin Forestry Bureau in Heilongjiang Province was studied,and a combination of random sampling and typical sampling was used to survey the sample-plots to study the influences of target tree management model,comprehensive tending model and non-interference model on the structure and diversity of plant community.【Results】After 17 years of management practice,the extent of dominance of Quercus mongolica in the target treemanagement model was significantly reduced,while those of Pinus koraiensis and Picea koraiensis were increased greatly,and they became dominant species. The dominance of Quercus mongolica in the comprehensive tending management and non-interference models remained the same,while that of other tree species was low but the composition of the tree species changed slightly. The new precious tree species(Phellodendron amurense and,Juglans mandshurica) appeared in the target tree management and comprehensive tending management models. The absolute values of basal area at breast height of Quercus mongolica were very different among the three models,showing the target tree management model(5. 3 m2·hm-2) comprehensive tending model(11. 0 m2·hm-2) non-interference model(21. 6 m2·hm-2). Quercus mongolica had the greatest advantage in all models,and was significantly less advantageous in the target tree management model(55. 1%) than in the comprehensive tending model(78. 1%) and the non-interference model(79. 6%). The basal area(2. 8 m2·hm-2) and the extent of dominance(32. 3%) of Pinus koraiensis in the target tree management model were significantly higher than those in other two models. The average density and average tree height of the forest stand in the non-interference model were significantly larger than those of the other two models(P 0. 05),and there was no significant difference between the target tree management model and the comprehensive tending model. There was no significant difference among the average diameters at breast height of the forest in the three models. From the diameter class structure,except the two diameter classes of 1-5 cm and 35-40 cm,the number of other diameter classes in the non-interference model was significantly larger than that in the target tree management and the comprehensive tending models. From the vertical structure,the non-interference model was obviously larger than the target tree management model and comprehensive tending model at all layers 10 m. There was no significant difference(P 0. 05) in tree species diversity of arborous layer in the target tree management,comprehensive tending and non-interference models. The diversity of species(P 0. 05) of shrub layer in the comprehensive tending model was significantly greater than that in the target tree management and non-interference models. The richness index of species in herbaceous layer in the target tree management and comprehensive tending models was significantly greater than that in the non-interference model. There was no significant difference in other types of species diversity indices in the tree management models(P 0. 05). The similarity of forest stands between the target tree management model and the comprehensive tending model was the highest,while that between the target tree management model the non-interference model was the lowest. 【Conclusion】The target tree management model successfully helped introduce the later-period tree species into the forest stand by replanting species such as Pinus koraiensis,and promoted the growth of some precious trees. In the short term,the productivity of the forest stand without interference was higher than that of the forest stand in the target tree management and the comprehensive tending models. In terms of the natural secondary forest of Quercus mongolica,how to improve the growth of forest stand through forest management in a long time requires long-term monitoring and in-depth study.