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缓释肥N/P养分配比及加载量对3种珍贵树种大规格容器苗生长的影响     被引量:14

Effects of N/P Ratio and Loading on the Growth of Container Seedling of Three Precious Tree Species



英文题名:Effects of N/P Ratio and Loading on the Growth of Container Seedling of Three Precious Tree Species

作者:李峰卿[1,3] 王秀花[2] 楚秀丽[1] 张东北[2] 吴小林[1] 周志春[1]








外文期刊名:Forest Research





外文关键词:Taxus wallichiana var. mairei ; Phoebe chekiangensis ; Cinnamomum chekiangense ; N/P ratio ; slow-re- lease fertilizer loading; large-size container seedling


摘要:[目的]研究缓释肥N/P养分配比及加载量对南方红豆杉、浙江楠和浙江樟苗木生长发育的影响,以科学指导大规格容器苗的高效培育。[方法]试验采用析因设计,研究N/P养分配比(1.75∶1、2.25∶1、2.75∶1和3.25∶1)及其加载量(1.5 kg·m^(-3)、2.5 kg·m^(-3)、3.5 kg·m^(-3)和4.5 kg·m^(-3))对3种珍贵树种2年生容器苗生长、株高生长节律、干物质积累及叶片SPAD值等影响。[结果]缓释肥N/P养分配比及加载量对3个树种容器苗生长及SPAD值影响不一。南方红豆杉、浙江楠和浙江樟干物质积累及根冠比在不同N/P养分配比间差异不大,浙江樟苗木生长受N/P养分配比影响较小,随着N/P养分配比增加,明显促进了浙江楠容器苗生长,却抑制了南方红豆杉的生长。缓释肥加载量对3个树种2年生容器苗生长和干物质积累的影响均达到极显著水平,随着缓释肥加载量增加可明显地促进3种树种株高、地径生长及干物质积累,增加了浙江楠地上干物质积累及南方红豆杉地下干物质积累,而对浙江樟根冠比影响未达统计学显著水平,但均显示加载量在3.5 kg·m^(-3)时达到最大值。N/P养分配比及与加载量的互作对3个树种苗木生长和干物质积累影响不明显,说明N/P养分配比对3个树种容器苗生长和质量的影响不因加载量的改变而变化或变化不大,反之亦然。随着缓释肥N/P养分配比的增加,可明显地延长南方红豆杉苗木株高的线性生长期,提高浙江楠株高的线性生长量,但对浙江樟株高的线性生长影响不明显。3种树种苗木叶片SPAD值差异很大,N/P养分配比及加载量并未改变3种树种叶片SPAD值动态变化规律,但随着N/P养分配比提高使南方红豆杉和浙江樟叶片SPAD值的起伏强度增大,3个树种SPAD值动态变化均随加载量增加而增大。[结论]南方红豆杉大规格容器苗培育较适宜的N/P养分配比为A1(1.75∶1)或A2(2.25∶1),而浙江楠和浙江樟为A3(2.75∶1),加载较高量的缓释肥F3(3.5 kg·m^(-3))可明显促进3种树种大规格容器苗的生长及SPAD值的提高,但加载量超过一定限度后,反而影响苗木的生长发育。
[Objective] To study the effect of slow-release fertilizer (SLF) N/P ratio and loading on the growth of Taxus waUichiana var. mairei , Phoebe chekiangensis and Cinnamomum chekiangense. [ Method ] In this study, with two factors of N/P ratio (1.75:1, 2.25:1, 2.75:1 and 3.25:1) and SLF loading (1.5 kg·m-3 2.5 kg·m-3 3.5 kg·m-3 and 4.5 kg ·m-3 ), a factorial experimental design was applied to study the Growth ( seedling height, root diameter and biomass accumulation), growth rhythm and SPAD of two-year-old container seedlings of the three species. [ Result] The growth and SPAD value of the container seedlings (two-year-old) of the 3 species as affected by N/P ratio and SLF loading were different. The biomass accumulation and root-shoot ratio of T. wallichiana var. mairei, Ph. chekiangensis and C. chekiangense varied slightly in N/P ratio. With the increase of N/P ratio, the growth of Ph. chekiangensis was promoted, but the growth of T. walIichiana var. mairei was inhibited. The effect of SRF on the growth and biomass accumulation of 2-year-old container seedlings among the three species all reached the extremely significant level, and with increasing SRF loading, the seedling height, ground diameter and biomass accumulation were obviously enhanced, coupled with the below-ground biomass accumulation of T. waUichiana var. mairei and above-ground of Ph. chekiangensis increased, but which had no statistically significant effect to rootshoot ratio of C. chekiangense, with the optimum of SLF at F3 (3.5 kg·m-3 ). The growth and biomass accumula- tion of the three species were affected slightly by N/P ratio and the interaction with SLF loading, and vice versa. With the increase of N/P ratio, the sustainable growth of 7". wallichiana var. mairei was extended and the total line- ar growth of Ph. chekiangensis was also enhanced, while the same situation was not found for C. chekiangense. The APAD value of the seedling leaves of the tree species differed a lot, but the APAD value was not affected by N/P ratio and SLF loading. However, as the N/P ratio and SLF loading added, the fluctuation strength of SPAD value of T. wallichiana vat. mairei and C. chekiangense increased, so did the dynamic variation rule of SPAD among all the three species. [ Conclusion ] The optimum ratio was 1.75 : 1 or 2.25 : 1 to T. wallichiana var. mairei, 2.75 : 1 to Ph. chekiangensis and C. chekiangense, Loading amount of 3.5 kg·m-3 could enhance the growth and SPAD value of all the three species evidently, but it would have the side effects once overeommitted.



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