木荷地理遗传变异和优良种源初选 被引量:54
Geographic Genetic Variation and Preliminary Selection of Superior Provinance in Schima superba
英文题名:Geographic Genetic Variation and Preliminary Selection of Superior Provinance in Schima superba
作者:周志春[1] 范辉华[2] 金国庆[1] 王月生[3] 陈奕良[4] 饶龙兵[1]
外文期刊名:Forest Research
外文关键词:Schima superba ; provenance trail ; provenance selection; geographic variation ; provenance-environment interaction ; fast-growing timber; biological fire-prevention
Schima superba provenance trails at age three including thirty-seven seed sources, located at Jian' ou of Fujian , Chun' an and Qinyuan of Zhejiang, were used to study provenance differences, provenance-environment interaction and geographic variation pattern for growth and branch traits. The result showed that there existed significant differences among provenances for height, shoot length, root collar diameter, crown width, total number of branches, length and diameter of branches. The growth of different provenances was found to be greatly influenced by the macrocondition and site-specific condition of plant locations. For example, the average height of provenances tested at Jian' ou of Fujian (the central distribution area)was 24.1% and 18.0% higher than those at Chun' an of Zhejiang (the northern zone) and Qinyuan of Zhejiang (the higher altitude mountainous region) respectively. The significant interaction of provenance by location and provenance by block within locations were found for height, shoot length, crown width and total number of branches. The relative growth performance of different provenances greatly varied with the experiment locations. Correlation analysis showed that geographic variation pattern for growth and branchtraits changed prominently with location environment. At Jian' ou of Fujian, a classical latitude clinal variation pattern was found forgrowth and branch traits which was negatively and significantly related to the latitudes of seed sources. Fast-growing provenances were primary from the middle and south distribution area. At Chun' an of Zhejiang, tree height and root collar diameter of provenances was not related to the longitudeand latitude of seed sources. Only total number of branches and crown density negatively wererelated to the latitude of seed source in a certain extent. Fast-growing provenances were primary from the middle distribution area. At Qinyuan of Zhejiang, provenance growth and branch traits was found to be positively and markedly related to the latitude of seed sources, due to relatively poor environment in the higher altitude mountainous region. Early growth performance of the northern provenance was better. Based on the provenance trial result at young stage, superior provenances used for fast-growing timber and biological fire-prevention were preliminarily selected for the central and northern distribution areas respectively.