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添加木醋液对盐碱土酶活性的影响     被引量:9

Impacts of wood vinegar on enzyme activity in saline alkaline soil



英文题名:Impacts of wood vinegar on enzyme activity in saline alkaline soil

作者:刘敏[1] 耿玉清[1] 丛日春[2] 刘铎[2]








外文期刊名:Science of Soil and Water Conservation





外文关键词:saline alkaline soil remediation; wood vinegar; soil dissolved phenol; soil dissolved carbon; enzyme activity;


摘要:为探讨添加木醋液后盐碱土酶活性的变化,采用体积分数分别为100%(原液)、20%(稀释5倍)、10%(稀释10倍)、5%(稀释20倍)和0(对照)木醋液,按木醋液体积与土壤质量之比为1∶4的比例,分别加入到土壤中,通过室内培养法,研究20 d后盐碱土的可溶性成分和酶活性的变化。结果表明:添加不同体积分数的木醋液可以显著降低盐碱土p H,显著提高土壤可溶性酚、易氧化碳、水溶性碳氮和无机氮质量分数;向盐碱土中添加100%的木醋液对糖苷酶和脲酶活性有抑制作用;在添加木醋液体积分数20%以下时,随着体积分数的降低,糖苷酶活性降低;土壤酸性磷酸酶和酚氧化酶活性随木醋液体积分数的增加呈显著提高趋势,而100%和20%体积分数的木醋液均显著降低了土壤碱性磷酸酶的活性。回归分析显示:土壤可溶性有机氮和NO-3显著影响了糖苷酶的活性;土壤p H和有效磷与酸性磷酸酶活性呈显著负相关,但与碱性磷酸酶呈显著正相关;可溶性酚与酚氧化酶和过氧化物酶活性呈显著正相关。总之,在短期内添加木醋液有利于盐碱土酶活性的改善。
Salt toxicity is one of the major edaphic factors limiting crop production and eco-environmental quality in salinized and / or sodic soils throughout the world. Application of organic fertilizer to saline alkaline soil is considered as a good practice for soil remediation. Wood vinegar,as a new kind of liquid organic fertilizer,plays an important role in reducing soil p H and salt content,increasing soil organic matter content and promoting plant growth in saline alkaline soil. Soil enzyme stimulates the decomposition of organic matter and the transformation of nutrient substances,can reflect the function of soil microbe, and is regarded as a potential index for monitoring soil quality in a short time.Nevertheless,the impacts of wood vinegar on enzyme activity in saline alkaline soil remain unknown. The objectives of the present study were to investigate the impacts of different wood vinegar contents on enzyme activity in saline and alkaline soil. In our study,five treatments with different contents of wood vinegar,namely 100%( not diluted),20%( diluted 5 times),10%( diluted 10 times),5%( diluted20 times) and 0( CK) were mixed with soil at a wood vinegar liquid( m L)- to- soil( g) ratio of 1 ∶ 4,respectively. The soil chemical properties,such as the dissolved organic carbon,phenol,and several kinds of hydrolases and oxidoreductase activity were measured after 20 days indoor culture. In addition,the relationship between the soil chemical properties and soil enzyme activities was analyzed by the linear regression analysis. The results showed that all the different contents of wood vinegar could significantly decrease soil p H,and increase the content of soil dissolved phenol,soil readily oxidizable carbon,soil dissolved carbon and nitrogen,NH4^+and NO3^-. However,the change of soil available phosphorus content was not significant. The activities of soil glycosidase and urease were inhibited at 100% wood vinegar.For soil glycosidase activity,it was decreased with the decline of wood vinegar content at the rate below20%. The urease activities at 20% and 10% wood vinegar were significantly higher than that at 5% and CK. The activities of soil acid phosphatase and phenol oxidase were enhanced with the increasing wood vinegar content. However,alkaline phosphatase activity was significantly decreased at 20% and 10%wood vinegar. These results demonstrated the changes of soil readily oxidizable carbon and NO3^--N were positively related to the activity of soil glycosidase. The changes of soil p H and available phosphorus had a significantly negative correlation with soil acid phosphatase activity, but a significantly positive correlation with alkaline phosphatase activity. On the other hand,the change of soil dissolved phenol had a significantly positive correlation with phenol oxidase activity. In conclusion,the application of wood vinegar in the saline alkaline soil can stimulate enzyme activity. The long-term impacts of the application of wood vinegar on soil enzyme activities should be concerned in the future since our conclusion is obtained by a short indoor culture manipulation.



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