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宁夏六盘山几种典型水源涵养林林分结构与水文功能的关系     被引量:27

Relationship between stand structure and hydrological functions of typical water conservation forests in Liupan Mountains of Ningxia



英文题名:Relationship between stand structure and hydrological functions of typical water conservation forests in Liupan Mountains of Ningxia

作者:孙浩[1] 杨民益[2] 余杨春[3] 熊伟[1] 王彦辉[1] 曹恭祥[1] 杜敏[4] 王云霓[1] 于澎涛[1] 徐丽宏[1] 左海军[1]








外文期刊名:Science of Soil and Water Conservation





外文关键词:plantation ; shrubs ; leaf area index ; canopy interception ; litterfall; soil evapotranspiration


摘要:为量化水源涵养林林分结构与其水文功能之间的关系,以宁夏六盘山香水河小流域内的4种典型结构林分(华北落叶松+灌木复层林、华北落叶松纯林、稀植乔木的天然灌丛林、天然灌丛林)为对象,在生长季内定位观测各林分的结构特征、冠层和枯落物截持及林下蒸散量的变化。结果表明:1)林冠截留率的大小表现为天然灌丛林(25.92%)>华北落叶松纯林(23.38%)>华北落叶松+灌木复层林(22.81%)>稀植乔木的天然灌丛林(22.07%)。2)林下枯落物层的持水性能表现为华北落叶松+灌木复层林(26.49 t/hm2)>华北落叶松纯林(23.06 t/hm2)>稀植乔木的天然灌丛林(16.89 t/hm2)>天然灌丛林(14.45 t/hm2)。3)林下日均蒸散量以稀植乔木的天然灌丛林最大(1.09 mm/d),其次为华北落叶松+灌木复层林(0.96 mm/d),而华北落叶松纯林(0.88 mm/d)和天然灌丛林较小(0.69 mm/d)。4)回归分析表明:冠层截留量随着林分叶面积指数的增加而增加,在不同降雨强度条件下(除暴雨外),二者的关系可以很好地用指数函数来表达(P<0.01);在排除林外气象因子变化对林内环境的干扰外,林下蒸散量随着林分叶面积指数的增加而呈对数函数的下降趋势(R2=0.639,P<0.01)。
To quantify the relationship between stand structure and hydrological functions of water conservation forests,the characteristics of forest structure,interception of canopy and litterfall,and evapotranspiration from understory layer were studied in four forest stands with different structures (i.e.,mixed forest of Larix principis-rupprechtii and shrub,pure L.principis-rupprechtii forest,mixed shrubs with sparse arbor trees,natural shrubs) during the growing season,which were located at a small catchment of Xiangshuihe of Liupan Mountains of Ningxia.The results showed that there were significant differences in hydrological functions between forest stands.The order of canopy interception percentage was natural shrubs (25.92%) > pure Larix forest (23.38%) > mixed Larix forest and shrubs (22.81%) > mixed shrubs (22.07 %).The water holding capability of litter followed the order of mixed Larix forest (26.49 t/hm2) > pure Larix forest (23.06 t/hm2) > mixed shrubs (16.89 t/hm2) > natural shrubs (14.45 t/hm2),which might be the result of the depth and composition of litterfall.The daily mean evapotranspiration of understory layer of mixed shrubs was the highest (1.09 mm/d) among the four stands,followed by mixed Larix forest (0.96 mm/d),while pure Larix forest (0.88 mm/d) and natural shrubs (0.69 mm/d) were lower,and it was possibly attributed by the difference in light distribution in the forest floor among stands due to different canopy structures.Regression analysis showed that canopy interception increased with increasing leaf area index (LAI),and the relationships can be well-described in an exponential function (P < 0.01) at different rainfall intensities (except for heavy rain).Excluding the interference of meteorological factors outside the stands to the forest microenvironment,evapotranspiration of understory layer decreased with increasing LAI following a logarithm function (R2 =0.639,P < 0.01).It suggests that the changes in light and temperature caused by canopy structure are main reasons for soil water loss.



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