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皱皮木瓜果实发育后期品质变化及其成熟阶段的划分初探     被引量:6

Change in Fruit Qualities during the Late Stage of Fruit Development in Chaenomeles speciosa and Its Identification of Fruit Ripening Process



英文题名:Change in Fruit Qualities during the Late Stage of Fruit Development in Chaenomeles speciosa and Its Identification of Fruit Ripening Process

作者:邵文豪[1] 董汝湘[1] 刁松锋[1,2] 孙洪刚[1] 姜景民[1] 李军民[3] 黄世清[4]








外文期刊名:Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica





外文关键词:Chaenomeles speciosa ; late stage of fruit development ; quality change ; identification of ripening process


In order to reveal the features of quality changes and identify the fruit ripening process,we investigated fresh fruit weight, fruit length, diameter, color, flesh firmness, dry matter content of pulp, soluble sugar content of pulp,total acid content of pulp, and total flavonoids content of pulp of Chaenomeles speciosa produced in Changyang County of Hubei Province,aiming to illuminate a theoretical basis for determining its proper harvest time and realizing its high-quality production. The results indicated that.. (1) Fresh fruit weight, fruit length, diameter, dry matter content and soluble sugar content of pulp increased during the late stage of fruit development. Fruit color changed from green, yellow green to faint yellow, yellow gradually. Flesh firmness and total acid content and total flavonoids content of pulp increased first and then decreased. (2)There were differences among periods during which quality traits changed rapidly. Fresh fruit weight increased rapidly from 105 to 150 days after full bloom (DAFB). Fruit color turned yellow 150 DAFB. Flesh firmness decreased rapidly from 135 to 165 DAFB. Total acid content and total flavonoids content of pulp increased to peak rapidly from 105 to 120 DAFB. (3)According to the results of principal component analysis(PCA) and the characteristics of qualities changes, the late stage of fruit devel- opment of Ch. speciosa could be identified three periods:unripe period(before 105 DAFB), early ripe period (120--150 DAFB),and ripe period(165- 180 DAFB). With the fruit maturity of Ch. speciosa, fresh fruit weight, fruit color,dry matter content and soluble sugar content of pulp increased,while flesh firmness decreased, which resulted in that the edibility qualities improved continually. However, the medicinal qualities were relatively high during the early ripe period.



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