沙生植物的蒸腾耗水与气象因素的关系研究 被引量:30
A Study on Relations Between Transpiration of Psammophyte and the Meteorological Components
英文题名:A Study on Relations Between Transpiration of Psammophyte and the Meteorological Components
作者:赵明[1] 李爱德[1] 王耀琳[1] 张德魁[1] 贾宝全[2]
外文期刊名:Journal of Arid Land Resources & Environment
基金:国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 4 0 0 710 0 4;3 9990 490 )
外文关键词:Lysimeter; psammophyte; transpiration; transpiration rate; meteorological components
摘要:本文阐述了利用非称量测渗仪 ,研究了沙枣、新疆杨、花棒、沙木蓼、柠条、梭梭、白皮沙拐枣等 7种植物的耗水日进程变化和沙枣、沙木蓼、白刺等 3种植物的蒸腾强度变化 ,分析了它们与气象因素太阳辐射、气温、风速。
By means of lysimeter daily transpiration of 7plant species including Elaeagrnus angustifolia, Populus alba var. pyramidalis, and Hedysarum scoparium etc. and transpiration rates of Nitraria tangutorica, Atraphaxis bracteata and Elaeagrnus angustifolia were investigated. The relations between them and meteorological components such as sun radiation, temperature, wind velocity, and relative humidity also were measured. Results show that the daily transpiration of the plants were in the form of parabola, starting at 6:00 am, reaching the peak point at 15:00 pm and then to decline, and coming to the lowest ebb after 24:00 pm. The transpiration (y) was highly correlated with temperature (x 1)(correlation coefficient: 0.861), also correlated with relative air humidity (x 2) and sun radiation (x 3) as well. Among all the components temperature made the largest contribution (contribution rate: more than 51.8%), followed by relative humidity (contribution rate: 27.35%) and sun radiation (contribution rate: 16.14%). Results of the leading factor analysis of each tree species show a high consistency, signifying that all the tree species have the similar responses to the environment. With the increase of ages of the trees, the transpiration rate was falling down. In a growing season, the trees had different transpiration rates in the different months, which means that the transpiration rate is changing with the environmental components. The highest transpiration rate of 3 tree species emerged in June, July and August respectively. The leading elements affecting the transpiration rate were temperature first, then sun radiation, relative humidity and wind velocity as well. Moreover there was a significant linear correlation between the transpiration rate and the age of the trees, sun radiation, and air humidity.