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北京九龙山侧柏林空气负离子时空分布特征     被引量:8

Temporal and Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Negative Air Ion in Platycladus orientalis Forest of Jiulong Mountain, Beijing



英文题名:Temporal and Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Negative Air Ion in Platycladus orientalis Forest of Jiulong Mountain, Beijing

作者:余海[1,2] 郭嘉[1,2] 李恩杰[1,2] 裴顺祥[1] 吴迪[1] 辛学兵[1]








外文期刊名:Forest Research





外文关键词:Jiulong Mountain of Beijing;negative air ion;Platycladus orientalis;temporal and spatial distribution


摘要:[目的]探索北京近郊九龙山空气负离子浓度的分布特征,了解森林植被对改善空气质量的重要作用。[方法]采用定位观测方法,选用KEC-900空气离子检测仪,按日间时间、月份、海拔和坡向对北京九龙山11个侧柏林样地进行负离子浓度测定。[结果](1)北京九龙山不同季节的空气负离子浓度日变化趋势不同,春、夏季日间浓度变化曲线为单峰型,春季峰值出现在12:00,夏季峰值出现在14:00,秋、冬季日间浓度变化曲线为双峰型,峰值均分别出现在8:00和18:00;(2)在月变化过程中,分别于5月和10月出现两个峰值(691个·cm^(-3)和920个·cm^(-3));(3)空气负离子浓度随海拔高度升高先升后降,海拔高于450 m后侧柏林内空气负离子浓度均大于林缘;⑷海拔140 m处的泗涧沟侧柏林4月份阳坡的空气负离子浓度略低于阴坡(P> 0.05),8月份阳坡的空气负离子浓度则显著高于阴坡(P <0.05)。[结论]北京九龙山侧柏林空气负离子存在明显的时空分布特征,即空气负离子浓度随时间表现为"单峰型"或"双峰型",随海拔表现为"单峰型",且受坡向和时间共同影响。
[Objective]To investigate the distribution of negative air ion(NAI) concentration in Jiulong Mountain which locates in suburb of Beijing, and understand the role of forest vegetation in improving air quality. [Method]KEC-900 air ion detector was used to measure and record the NAI concentration at 11 plots of P. orientalis stand in Jiulong Mountain of Beijing according to day, month, altitude and aspect by the method of fixed observation.[Result]The diurnal variation of NAI concentration in Jiulong Mountain differed among seasons. The curves of diurnal variation of NAI concentration in spring and summer followed a single-peak type, and the spring and summer peak values appeared at 12: 00 and 14: 00. The curves of diurnal variation of NAI concentration in autumn and winter followed a double-peak type, and the peak values appeared at 8: 00 and 18: 00. The monthly average concentration of NAI was characterized by two peaks in May and October, with values of 691 ions per cm3 and 920 ions per cm3. The concentration of NAI rose at first and then decreased with the increase of altitude. When the altitude is higher than450 m, the NAI concentration in the P. orientalis forest was greater than in the forest edge. In the P. orientalis forest locates in Sijiangou with the altitude of 140 m, the NAI concentration on the sunny slope was slightly lower than that on the shaded slope(P > 0.05) in April, and the NAI concentration on the sunny slope was significantly higher than that on the shaded slope(P < 0.05) in August. [Conclusion]The NAI concentration in the P. orientalis forest of Jiulong Mountain have obvious spatial and temporal distribution characteristics, that is, the concentration of NAI shows "single peak type" or "double peak type" with time, and shows "single peak type" with altitude, and is affected by both the aspect and the time.



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