华中五味子的雄花特征与花粉特性 ( EI收录) 被引量:4
Characteristics of Male Flower and Its Pollen of Schisandra sphenanthera
英文题名:Characteristics of Male Flower and Its Pollen of Schisandra sphenanthera
作者:郭红艳[1] 王森[1] 晏巢[2] 张震[1] 黄雯[1]
通信作者:Wang, Sen
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:Schisandra sphenanthera; male flower; pollen morphology; pollen germination rate
摘要:【目的】通过对华中五味子雄花特征及花粉特性的研究,旨在为华中五味子的传粉生物学研究、系统分类提供参考。【方法】采用体视显微镜和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对华中五味子雄花不同发育时期(Ⅰ花蕾膨大期、Ⅱ花瓣松动期、Ⅲ花瓣开放期、Ⅳ完全开放期)的花部特征、花粉形态进行研究;利用生物光学显微镜,采用琼脂固体培养基法(培养基中琼脂浓度均为10 g·L^(-1),蔗糖浓度梯度设置为50,100,150,200 g·L^(-1),硼酸浓度梯度设置为0.10,0.15,0.30 g·L^(-1))对花粉离体萌发特性进行研究。【结果】华中五味子蔷薇花冠,成熟时花冠朝向地面,花瓣覆瓦状排列,花瓣内外侧均具不规则纹饰,具气孔,气孔不规则分布;花柄圆柱形,外壁不光滑,具气孔,气孔椭圆形;雄蕊螺旋向上着生于柱状花托上,花丝缩短呈肉质,花药着生于花丝上;雄蕊群呈伞状,雄蕊19~22(26)。花粉扁球形,辐射对称,极观面为6裂圆形,异极,随着花朵的发育,逐渐形成6萌发沟,3长沟在一极形成合沟,3短沟不到极面,长短沟相间排列;花粉外壁具网状雕纹,网眼大小和网脊宽度不一,少数网眼中具模糊颗粒,随着花粉的发育,网眼逐渐加深,网脊变薄,颗粒物被吸收;Ⅰ(花蕾膨大期)、Ⅱ(花瓣松动期)、Ⅲ(花瓣开放期)、Ⅳ(完全开放期)时期花粉直径依次为21.96,23.73,24.00,25.65μm。成熟华中五味子花粉在10 g·L^(-1)琼脂+100 g·L^(-1)蔗糖+0.10 g·L^(-1)硼酸的培养基中,萌发率最高,达到92.6%,花粉管长度最长,达454.30μm;蔗糖浓度对花粉萌发率和花粉管伸长生长存在极显著影响,硼酸浓度对花粉的萌发率影响显著,但对花粉管长度生长影响不显著。【结论】华中五味子花冠形态、花粉形态既具有虫媒传粉特征,亦具有风媒传粉的特点;研究结果认为华中五味子为风媒、虫媒同时传粉植物,主要传粉方式、传粉途径有待进一步研究;华中五味子花粉离体培养的最佳固体培养基为10 g·L^(-1)琼脂+100 g·L^(-1)蔗糖+0.10 g·L^(-1)硼酸,培养基成分对花粉萌发影响显著;花粉萌发率高,在传粉受精过程中,花粉竞争优势明显。
【Objective】In order to provide a basis for studies of pollination biology and phylogenetic classification of Schisandra sphenanthera by investigating characteristics of the male flowers and their pollen.【Method 】We studied the floral characteristics and pollen morphology of S.sphenanthera at different development stages including alabastrum intumescence stage,petals loose stage,petals opening stage and florescence stage using stereo microscope and scanning electron microscope(SEM).In vitro pollen germination of S.sphenanthera was studied using bio-optical microscope and solid agar as culture media containing 10 g·L^-1 agar,and sucrose at concentrations of 50,100,150,200 g·L^-1 in order and boric acid at concentrations of 0.10,0.15,0.30 g·L^-1 in order.【Result】The corolla of S.sphenanthera was roselike and faced downwards the ground when it matured,the petals were arranged in imbrications.The inside and outside of the petals had irregular grains and irregular distribution of stomata,flower stalks were cylindrical and its outside surface was unsmooth with oblong stomata,stamens grew upwards spirally on the columnar receptacle,filaments were shortened to become fleshy and the anthers grew on it.The stamens were arranged in umbrella-form,with a number of 19-22(26).The pollen was oblate and heteropolar,its polar view was 6-lobed circular,6 germinal furrows was gradually formed with flower development,of which 3 long furrows joined together at one pole to form an integrated furrow and 3 short ones did not reach the poles,the long and short furrows were alternatively arranged.The extine of pollen had reticular formation with areoles and murus in different sizes,and unclear particles were contained in a few of the areoles.The areoles and the murus respectively became deepened and thinned,and the particles were absorbed with the development of pollen.The diameters at different stages of flower development were 21.96,23.73,24.00 and 25.65 μm,respectively.The highest germination rate of mature pollen was 92.6% when cultured in the medium of agar at a concentration of 10 g·L^-1+sucrose at concentration of 100 g·L^-1+ boric acid at a concentration of 0.10 g·L^-1,the pollen tubes could reach a length of 454.30 μm.The concentration of sucrose had extremely significant effects on pollen germination rate and elongation of pollen tubes,while the concentration of boric acid had significant effects on pollen germination rate,but not on elongation of pollen tubes.【Conclusion】The corolla form and the pollen morphology of S.sphenanthera had the typical characteristics of insect pollination and wind pollination.The results suggested that S.sphenanthera was not only animal-pollinated but also wind-pollinated,and further studies were needed to identify which was the main pollination model.The best solid media for in vitro pollen germination of S.sphenanthera was 10 g·L^-1agar+100 g·L^-1sucrose+0.10 g·L^-1boric acids,and the medium composition had a significant impact on the germination rate.The germination rate was high,indicating an obvious competitive advantage in pollination and fertilization.