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油茶5×5全双列杂交子代幼林生长性状的配合力分析     被引量:9

Analysis of genetic effects of growth traits of Camellia oleifera F1 descendants in complete diallel cross design Ⅲ



英文题名:Analysis of genetic effects of growth traits of Camellia oleifera F1 descendants in complete diallel cross design Ⅲ

作者:林萍[1,2] 姚小华[1,2] 滕建华[3] 王开良[1,2] 任华东[1,2] 叶峰[4]








外文期刊名:Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology





外文关键词:Camellia oleifera; complete diallel cross design Ⅲ; general combining ability(GCA); specific combining ability(SCA); reciprocal effects


Camellia oleifera is a kind of important oil tree for food and is cultivated for more than 2300 years in China. With the development of the C.oleifera industry in recent years, the new improved varieties with higher yield and better quality were demanded. Cross breeding by the superior clones is the main method to culture the new varieties with higher yield and better resistance. The genetic parameters of C. oleifera parents were estimated by analyzing(2+0)-year-old F1 descendants for tree height, ground diameter and crown width in order to select optimum parents for the cross breeding. The results showed that the genetic difference were extremely significant in tree height, ground diameter and crown width among families. The families 40×95, 10×40 were better on the height, ground diameter and crown width. And the differences of general combining ability(GCA), specific combining ability(SCA) and reciprocal effects(REC) were extremely significant on height and crown width too. The differences of GCA and REC were extremely significant but that of SCA was not significant on ground diameter. The GCA of Changlin 40 on height, ground diameter and crown width are the biggest, and have the significant difference with the other clones at 0.05 level. The GCA of Changlin 53 on height, ground diameter and crown width are the lowest, and which is accord with the traits of Changlin 53. Additive effects played a more major role and dominance was next for height, ground diameter and crown width. The heritability of these three growth traits were very low and the environment effects was bigger. The broad-sense heritability was between 14.91% ~ 20.62%, and the narrow-sense heritability was between 9.55% ~ 14.14%. The statistical analysis showed that GCA of Changlin 40# and 95# was positive and larger for height, ground diameter and crown width, and they will be better parents in cross breeding. Five cross combinations are superior according the effects of GCA and SCA, which F1 descendants got 5.76% ~ 45.62% genetic gain on height and 7.68% ~ 127.10% genetic gain on crown width, respectively. In a word, evaluations of GCA is more important than that of SCA before the GCA is evaluated on height, ground diameter and crown width of C.oleifera.



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