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Bioaugmentation with Gordonia strain JW8 in treatment of pulp and paper wastewater  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:Bioaugmentation with Gordonia strain JW8 in treatment of pulp and paper wastewater

作者:Chen, Jienan[1,2] Zhan, Peng[1] Koopman, Ben[3] Fang, Guigan[4] Shi, Yingqiao[4]

第一作者:Chen, Jienan

通信作者:Chen, J.

机构:[1] Institute of Biological and Environmental Science and Technology, College of Life Science and Technology, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China; [2] Transpoints Inc, P.O. Box 141742, Gainesville, FL 32614, United States; [3] Department of Environmental Engineering Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, United States; [4] Institute of Chemical Industry of Forest Products, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Nanjing 210042, China





外文期刊名:Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy



外文关键词:Organic pollutants - Oxygen - Alkalinity - Batch reactors - Pulp - Biochemical oxygen demand - Paper - Electrophoresis

摘要:The Gordonia strain JW8 was successfully isolated, characterized, and tested for bioaugmentation of pulp and paper wastewater. With significant degradation of alkaline lignin, JW8 has the potential to render pulp and paper wastewater more biodegradable, which is of much interest to wastewater treatment. The sequencing batch reactor (SBR) inoculated with JW8 significantly enhanced the organic pollutants removal of pulp and paper wastewater compared to the control, achieving the best removal rates of 96.4% and 87.8% for biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD), respectively. A considerable decrease of BOD/COD ratio in wastewater was also achieved in the bioaugmented SBR. However, a drawback caused by JW8 inoculation was the resultant high sludge volume index and biological foaming and bulking, which can be controlled by food/mass adjustment. The denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis suggested that bioaugmentation with JW8 had a slight effect on the microbial dynamics, but more research is needed to understand the relationship between the microbial dynamics and pollutant removal. ? US Government 2012.



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