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干热河谷印楝和大叶相思人工林根系生物量及其分布特征     被引量:13

Root biomass and its distribution of Azadirachta indica and Acacia auriculiformis plantations in the Dry-hot Valley



英文题名:Root biomass and its distribution of Azadirachta indica and Acacia auriculiformis plantations in the Dry-hot Valley

作者:高成杰[1] 唐国勇[1,2] 李昆[1,2] 谢青海[2]








外文期刊名:Acta Ecologica Sinica





外文关键词:Acacia auriculiformis; Azadirachta indica ; Dry-hot Valley; mixed stand; root biomass; vertical distribution


摘要:以元谋干热河谷10年生印楝和大叶相思为研究对象,采用分层挖掘法对印楝纯林、大叶相思纯林及印楝×大叶相思混交林根系生物量及其分布特征进行研究。结果表明:印楝×大叶相思混交林根系总生物量为2.707 t/hm2,介于印楝纯林(2.264 t/hm2)和大叶相思纯林(3.405 t/hm2)之间。混交林内主根总生物量为1.057 t/hm2,为印楝纯林和大叶相思纯林的69.9%和69.7%,而除粗根外,混交林内其它径级的侧根(中根、小根和细根)生物量均介于印楝纯林和大叶相思纯林之间,分别为印楝纯林的228.7%、120.1%、450.0%,为大叶相思纯林的71.3%、65.8%和48.8%。干热河谷印楝和大叶相思人工林根系在土壤表层分布比例大,尤其是0—0.2 m土层内,其根系生物量占根系总生物量的63.6%—76.3%。根系垂直累积生物量与土壤深度可用二次方程拟合,拟合方程的二阶导数表明,垂直方向上,印楝纯林根系分布较混交林均匀,而混交林较大叶相思纯林均匀。
Afforestation is an important tool in ecological restoration in Dry-hot Valleys, a fragile landtype, where vegetation deterioration and soil erosion have developed into a serious problem in southwestern China. However, the root biomass of plantations in Dry-hot Valleys is poorly known and understood. Azadirachta indica A. Juss. is planted extensively in Dry-hot Valleys for its drought-resistance and multifunctionality, and Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. ex Benth is a fast growing species which can rapidly improve soil conditions. Establishing plantations with A. indica and A. auriculiformis in Dry-hot Valleys is important for soil and water conservation, soil amelioration, prevention of ecological damage and also helps the regional economy. To improve the understanding nutrient accumulation and distribution, soil moisture dynamics, root competition and evaluate efficiency of mixed plantations, this study investigated root biomass and the characteristics of root distribution in 10 year-old A. indica and A. auriculiformis plantations in the Dry-hot Valley ecosystem in Yuanmou County, Yunnan Province, China. Data from sample trees were averaged to determine root biomass characteristics for a pure A. indica plantation, a pure A. auriculiformis plantation and a mixed plantation of A. indica and A. auriculiformis. A total of 24 mature trees were excavated to a depth of 1.0 m to collect all root biomass for each tree. The results show root biomass in the mixed plantation (2.707 t/hm2) was between the root biomass of a pure A. indica plantation (2.264 t/hm2) and a pure A. auriculiformis plantation (3.405 t/hm2). The taproot biomass in the mixed plantation (1.057 t/hm2) was approximately 69.9% and 69.7% of the taproot biomass in the pure A. indica plantation and the pure A. auriculiformis plantation, respectively, whereas the biomasses of medium, small and fine roots from the lateral roots in the mixed plantation were 228.7%, 120.1% and 450.0% of roots in the pure A. indica plantation and 71.3%, 65.8% and 48.8% of those in the pure A. auriculiformis plantation, respectively. Root biomasses of these plantations were mainly concentrated at a soil depth of 0-0.2 m, which accounted for 63.6%-74.4% of their root biomass within a depth of 0-1.0 m. Compared to the mixed plantation, the pure A. auriculiformis plantation had a shallower root profile while the pure A. indica plantation had a deeper root profile. There was 30.9% of the taproot biomass in the upper 0.4 m soil layer in the pure A. indica plantation, but only 2.8% for A. indica in the mixed plantation. However, there was only 0.3% of lateral root biomass below the 0.4 m soil layer in the pure A. indica plantation, while there were 6.8% and 9.6% of lateral root biomasses in the pure A. auriculiformis plantation and mixed plantation, respectively, which indicated root biomass of A. indica was mainly allocated to lateral roots in the mixed plantation. The relationship between the accumulated root biomass and soil depth could be fitted with quadratic equations. The second derivatives of these equations showed the vertical root biomass of the mixed plantation was more evenly distributed than in the pure A. auriculiformis plantation, but was less evenly distributed than in the pure A. indica plantation. This study documented the characteristics of root biomass distribution for A. indica and A. auriculiformis in different restoration patterns, and the research results will provide useful scientific reference data for plantation management in the Dry-hot Valley region.



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