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Water-holding characteristics of apple orchards in the gully area of the Loess Plateau



英文题名:Water-holding characteristics of apple orchards in the gully area of the Loess Plateau

作者:王檬檬[1] 李钢铁[1] 党宏忠[2] 冯金超[2] 梁田雨[1]








外文期刊名:Science of Soil and Water Conservation





外文关键词:soil moisture characteristic curve;apple tree;soil water-holding;soil water suction;gully area of the Loess Plateau


摘要:果园土壤持水能力的大小对于评价果树水分利用状况、预估果实产量有着重要意义。本文以黄土残塬沟壑区苹果园为研究对象,通过对土壤主要水分物理指标、土壤体积含水率及土壤水势的联合测定,绘制土壤水分特征曲线,分析了黄土残塬沟壑区苹果园土壤的持水特征。结果表明:1)果园土壤0~100 cm层内的土壤密度平均为1.34 g/cm3,土壤机械组成平均为:黏粒42.6%,粉粒41.6%,砂粒15.79%,总孔隙度平均为46.9%,土壤有机质质量分数平均为0.85%,土壤团聚体含量质量分数平均为36.8%,土壤结构与持水性能总体较好,但土壤有机质较低。2)100 cm内各层土壤在土壤密度、土壤粉粒体积分数、总孔隙度等指标方面差异性均不显著(P>0.05),表现出空间一致性。但在毛管持水量、田间持水量等指标表现出随土层增加而上升的趋势(P<0.05),在各类水稳性团聚体含量、土壤有机质含量等指标方面差异极显著(P<0.01)。3)基于土壤物理参数利用Van Genuchten模型推导的土壤水分特征曲线与田间测定结果基本一致,具有较高的可靠性。研究结果为制订该区域旱作果园的水分管理方案提供了一定理论依据。
[Background]Soil water-holding capacity of orchards is very important for evaluating the water utilization and predicting the yield of fruit trees.The loess gully region belongs to semi-arid area with less precipitation,high evapotranspiration as well as poor land productivity.The orchards in this dry land usually face the serious contradiction between water supply and demand.This study was conducted in the gully area of the Loess Plateau.[Methods]By measuring the main soil physical properties,soil volumetric moisture content together with soil water potential,we plotted the characteristic curve of soil moisture in the orchards of the Loess Plateau,then the soil moisture characteristics and movement rules of apple dry-land orchards in the Loess Plateau were analyzed.[Results]1)The average soil bulk density of apple dry-land orchard in 0-100 cm soil layer was 1.34 g/cm3.The soil was composed of clay42.60%,silt 41.61%and sand 15.79%.The total porosity was 46.9%,the soil organic matter was0.85%and the soil aggregates content was 36.82%.Generally,soil texture and water-holding capacity in this area was fine,but the soil organic matter was low.2)There were no significant difference in soil bulk density among sub-layers in 100 cm depth soil,in soil silt content as well as in total porosity(P>0.05),demonstrating spatial consistency.However,the capillary water-holding capacity and the field water-holding capacity significantly increased with the increasing of the soil depth(P<0.05).Meanwhile,there were significant differences in water-stable aggregates and soil organic matter content(P<0.01)among sub-layers in 100 cm soil depth.3)The soil moisture characteristic curve derived by Van Genuchten model based on soil physical parameters was basically consistent with the field measured results and had high reliability.[Conclusions]The depth of fertilization of fruit trees should be deepened from 10-30 to 30-60 cm soil layer due to the capillary roots of fruit trees are mainly distributed in the soil layer of 30-60 cm deep.The soil capillary porosity,soil organic matter,soil capillary water-holding capacity and field water-holding capacity were significantly different along soil layer,and generally increased with the increase of soil depth,thus the cultivation of upper soil should be strengthened.The soil moisture characteristic curves of different soil layers are consistent,but the waterholding capacity in deep soil is higher during the high water suction stage.The change of saturated infiltration system of soil in each layer is consistent with the vertical distribution of soil bulk density and capillary porosity.The results provide a theoretical basis for the formulation of water management scheme for dry-land orchards.



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