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土壤含水量对降香黄檀树干呼吸速率、生长和氮含量的影响     被引量:5

Effects of soil moisture content on stem respiration rate, stem growth and sapwood nitrogen content in Dalbergia odorifera



英文题名:Effects of soil moisture content on stem respiration rate, stem growth and sapwood nitrogen content in Dalbergia odorifera

作者:崔之益[1] 徐大平[1] 杨曾奖[1] 张宁南[1] 刘小金[1] 洪舟[1]








外文期刊名:Journal of South China Agricultural University





外文关键词:Dalbergia odorifera; heartwood; stem respiration rate; nitrogen content; soil moisture content


摘要:【目的】为降香黄檀Dalbergia odorifera心材形成的后续研究提供基础数据。【方法】人工设置4个土壤含水量梯度,即重度干旱(HD)、轻度干旱(LD)、旱季灌溉(DI)和对照(CK),研究土壤含水量对树体水势(Ψ_(pd))、树干呼吸速率(R_s)、树木生长和边材氮含量及其旱季变化特征的影响。【结果】土壤含水量和枝条水势旱季表现为下降趋势,各处理从11月底开始表现出显著差异。各处理的树干呼吸速率与树干温度(θ)均具有良好的指数函数关系,决定系数(R^2)均在0.65以上,各处理的温度敏感系数(Q10)为DI>CK>LD>HD。树干温度和树干呼吸速率均呈现旱季下降趋势,且在1月份达到最低。各处理的树干温度只在气温较低的冬季表现差异显著,树干呼吸速率总体表现为DI增加树干呼吸速率,而干旱(HD和LD)降低树干呼吸速率。树干生长量在12月中旬之前基本保持不变,12月下半月开始显著下降,DI和CK显著高于HD和LD处理。12月之前,边材氮含量保持不变,12月开始降低,且各处理只在冬季表现出显著差异。树干呼吸速率解释了56%的树干生长量,边材氮含量解释树干呼吸速率68%的旱季变化。枝条水势解释了49%树干呼吸速率、48%树干生长量和63%边材氮含量的旱季变化。【结论】土壤含水量很可能通过改变树体组织含水量(水势),进而使得树干呼吸速率、树干生长和边材氮含量相互影响。旱季灌溉增强树干呼吸速率,干旱降低树干呼吸速率,而树干温度和边材氮含量只在冬季受土壤含水量影响。树干呼吸速率可能也会对树木心材形成有一定指示作用。
【 Objective】 To provide ba s ic da ta for fol lowing s tudy of he ar twood format ion of[Method] Four soil moisture content gradients including heavy drought (HD),l ight drought (LD), dry-season irrigation (DI) and control (CK) were artificially simulated to investigate the effects of soil moisture content on predawn shoot water potential (!Ppd),stem respiration rate (i?s),stem growth,and sapwood nitrogen content and their change characteristics in dry season.【 R e s u l t】 S o il m o is tu re c o n te n t an d !^pd d e c l in e d continuously in dry season, and significant differences were observed among different treatments since the end of November. Rs increased exponentially wi th stem temperature (0) and th e coe f fic ients o f determina tion wereall greater than 0.65 in every treatment. Temperature sensitivity coefficients (Q /〇 ) dif fe red significant ly among all water treatments, following the order of DI〉 CK〉LD〉HD. 0 and Rs declined continuously during dry season and reached their minimum values in January. Significant differences among the 0 values o f all treatments were only found in winter. DI increased Rs wh i le HD and LD d ec reased Rs. Stem g rowth rem a in ed s tab le u n t i l the middle of December, and decreased significantly since late December. Stem growth of DI and CK was significantly higher than those of HD and LD. The sapwood nitrogen content remained constant before December and started to decrease since December. Significant differences of the sapwood nitrogen contents among all treatments were found only in winter. Rs explained 56% seasonal variation o f stem growth. Sapwood nitrogen content explained 68% seasonal variation of Rs. Wpd e x p la in e d 4 9% , 4 8% an d 6 3% r e sp e c t iv e ly seasonal variation of Rs, stem g rowth an d sapwo o d ni troge n content.【 C o n c lu s io n】 Soil m o is tu re co n ten t likely promotes the interaction of Rs, stem growth and sapwood n itrogen content by affecting Wpd. DI increases Rs while drought decreases Rs. The 0 value and sapwood nitrogen content are affec ted b y soil mois ture content only in winter. In addition Rs may partially indicate the changes of heartwood formation.



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