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Effects of phosphorus application on biomass and phosphorus allocation of Cunninghamia lanceolata seedlings



英文题名:Effects of phosphorus application on biomass and phosphorus allocation of Cunninghamia lanceolata seedlings

作者:王佳[1] 刘燕荣[2] 罗嘉东[1] 武晓玉[1] 厉月桥[1] 曾素平[1] 孙建军[1]








外文期刊名:Journal of Henan Agricultural University





外文关键词:Cunninghamia lanceolata;homogeneous low phosphorus stress;heterogeneous low phosphorus stress;homogeneous high phosphorus stress;phosphorus efficiency


摘要:【目的】探讨施加磷肥对杉木苗木生长及磷吸收量的影响,以期为杉木优质壮苗培育及苗期磷储备提供技术支持。【方法】以30个杉木二代种子园自由授粉子代苗木作为研究对象,采用杉木分层隔网-P法,研究了施磷对杉木苗生物量及叶茎根磷吸收量的影响。【结果】(1)不同处理条件下,叶含磷量占全株总含磷量比值最大,高达42.96%。茎与根含磷量占全株总含磷量比值相近。(2)1 a生杉木苗叶茎根的生物量大小顺序为叶>根>茎,其中杉木苗叶的生物量占全株总生物量的比值最大,高达44.90%,施磷对杉木苗的生长具有明显的促进作用。(3)杉木苗叶茎根中有效磷含量大小顺序为异质低P>同质高P>同质低P,其中异质低P胁迫下杉木苗叶茎根中有效磷含量最大,占总磷比达42.96%,施磷对杉木苗叶茎根有效磷含量具有积极的促进作用,异质低P胁迫促进杉木苗叶茎根有效磷吸收效果最好。(4)吸收的磷在整株杉木苗的叶茎根中约按1.45∶1∶1分配,不同磷肥不影响植物吸收磷之后在各组织间的分配比。【结论】高磷胁迫下杉木幼苗叶茎根吸磷量有着积极响应,为杉木幼苗叶茎根磷含量及分配提供参考。
【Objective】The effects of phosphate fertilizer on the growth and phosphorus of Chinese fir seedlings were investigated to provide technical support for the cultivation of high-quality strong seedlings and phosphorus reserve at seedling stage.【Method】In this paper,the cuttings of 30 free pollinated progenies of Chinese fir(Cunninghamia lanceolata)seedlings were selected as the research objects to study the effects of phosphorus stress on biomass and the phosphorus uptake of leaves,stems and roots of Chinese fir seedlings by using the method of Chinese fir stratified mesh-P.【Result】(1)Under different stresses,the ratio of leaf phosphorus to the total phosphorus content of the whole plant was the largest,as high as 42.96%.The ratio of the phosphorus content to the total phosphorus content in stems and roots was similar.(2)The order of the biomass size of the leaf,stem and root of the 1-year-old Chinese fir seedlings was leaf>root>stem.Among them,the ratio of leaf biomass of Chinese fir seedlings to total phant biomass was highest,up to 44.90%.Phosphorus application had obvious promoting effects on the growth of Chinese fir seedlings.enhancement.(3)The order of available phosphorus content in the leaf,stem and root of Chinese fir seedlings was heterogeneous low P>homogeneous high P>homogeneous low P.Among them,the available phosphorus content in the leaf,stem and root of Chinese fir seedlings was the largest under the stress of heterogeneous low P,which accounted for total phosphorus of 42.96%.Phosphorus application had a positive promoting effect on the effective phosphorus content of leaf,stem and root in Chinese fir seedlings.The heterogeneous low-P stress had the best effect on promoting phosphorus absorption by leaf,stem and root in Chinese fir seedlings.(4)The distribution ratio of phosphorus absorbed in the leaves,stems and roots of Chinese fir seedlings was about 1.45∶1∶1.Different phosphorus fertilizers did not affect the distribution ratio of phosphorus in different tissues.【Conclusion】The results showed that there was a positive response to phosphorus uptake by leaves,stems and roots of Chinese fir seedlings under high phosphorus stress,which provided a reference for phosphorus content and distribution in leaves,stems and roots of Chinese fir seedlings.



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