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森林色彩景观格局指数与色彩属性指标对观赏效应的影响  ( EI收录)  

Influence of Forest Color Landscape Pattern Indices and Color Attribute Indicators on Ornamental Effect



英文题名:Influence of Forest Color Landscape Pattern Indices and Color Attribute Indicators on Ornamental Effect

作者:贾娜[1] 史久西[1] 秦一心[1] 格日勒图[1] 张龙[1]


通信作者:Shi, Jiuxi







外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:forest color;color pattern;color quantification;color ornamental effects


【Objective】To investigate the quantitative relationship between forest color landscape pattern indices(referred to as color pattern index),color attribute indicators and scenic beauty estimation(SBE);to establish an ornamental effect evaluation model;to screen for key indicators affecting SBE;to provide guidance for forest color landscape pattern allocation.【Method】Typical mountain forest landscapes in the Yangtze River Delta region were studied,PS,Color Impact,CAD,ArcGIS,and Fragstics software tools were employed to divide color patches;calculate color pattern indices;obtain SBE via psychophysical method;generate statistics;analyze correlations between color pattern indices,color attribute indicators and SBE;establish an ornamental effect evaluation model and screen for key indicators affecting SBE.【Result】The Pearson correlation analysis showed that the maximum patch relative area(r=-0.311,P<0.05),forest color distribution model(r=-0.690,P<0.01),and contagion index(r=-0.398,P<0.01)were significantly(P<0.05)or highly significantly negatively(P<0.01)correlated with color SBE.Average patch fractional dimension(r=0.322,P<0.05),Shannon’s diversity index(r=0.352,P<0.05),landscape abundance(r=0.655,P<0.05),and panchromatic brightness(r=0.482,P<0.01)were significantly and highly significantly positively correlated with color SBE.The landscape level index was more correlated with SBE than the patch level index,and the panchromatic attribute index was more correlated with SBE than the main and auxiliary color attribute indices.The correlation among the three indicators of panchromatic chromatic aberration,edge density and perimeter area ratio was highly significant(r>0.800,P<0.01).There was a highly significant positive correlation between the relative area of the main color and contagion(r=0.862,P<0.01),a highly significant negative correlation between the contagion and Shannon’s Diversity Index(r=-0.862,P<0.01),and a highly significant negative correlation between the relative area of the main color and Shannon’s diversity index.The SBE evaluation model(R^(2)=0.8344)showed that forest color landscapes exhibited great ornamental effect if they tended to aggregate but did not completely connect,panchromatic relative area was large but main color relative area was small,color patches had natural curvilinear edges and perfect shape,colors were rich but displayed uneven spatial distribution,and color patches had natural and orderly mosaics with high ornamental effect.The effect of forest color distribution model indicators on SBE,which was proposed for the first time in this study,was highly significant(r=-0.690,P<0.01),and the SBE of the color distribution model was high if the model featured favorable changes in color pattern,a high sense of order and strong naturalness.【Conclusion】There are significant and highly significant correlations between SBE and color pattern index,it is feasible to apply the color pattern index for color ornamental effect evaluation using the established eveluation model.



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