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马尾松与红椎等3种阔叶树种营造混交林的生长效果     被引量:40

An Analysis of the Growth and Structure of Mixed Plantations Consisted of Pinus massoninia and Broadleaf Species



英文题名:An Analysis of the Growth and Structure of Mixed Plantations Consisted of Pinus massoninia and Broadleaf Species

作者:郭文福[1] 蔡道雄[1] 贾宏炎[1] 温恒辉[1]








外文期刊名:Forest Research





外文关键词:Pinus massoniana; Castanopsis hystrix; Michelia macclurei; Mytilaria laosensis; mixed stand model; growth; distribution of diameter level


摘要:对马尾松分别与红椎等3种阔叶树种及与杉木混交试验林的6年生和11年生林分生长数据进行了分析,结果表明:(1)6年生林分,混交小区及纯林小区中马尾松的平均树高为4.6 4.9 m,平均胸径为6.0 7.4 cm,不同混交组合间差异不显著,但在马尾松×米老排混交组合中马尾松生长不良;11年生林分,不同处理对马尾松平均胸径和蓄积量均有显著影响,其中,对照(马尾松纯林)的平均胸径和蓄积量最大,分别为12.6 cm和121.05 m3.hm-2;马尾松×米老排混交组合中马尾松的平均胸径和蓄积量最小,分别为8.7 cm和43.18 m3.hm-2。(2)11年生林分各树种平均树高顺次为:米老排(14.3 m)>红椎(10.2 m)>火力楠(9.9 m)>杉木(9.1 m)>马尾松(8.1m);马尾松×米老排组合中的马尾松和马尾松×红椎组合中的红椎,因林木生长竞争剧烈,需要及时间伐。(3)适合培育阔叶树种大径材的松阔混交组合有2种,分别为马尾松×红椎和马尾松×火力楠,而米老排以人工纯林方式造林效果好,初植密度建议为1 000 1 600株.hm-2。
ANOVA was used to analyze the 6 year's and 11 years' growth data of the Pinus massoniana(pine) plantation mixed with Castanopsis hystrix,Michelia macclurei,Mytilaria laosensis or Cuninghamia lancelata respectively.The result showed that:(1)The differences of tree height(H) and diameter at breast height(DBH) of mixed pine plantation were not significant among treatments at the age of 6,and the mean H and DBH were respectively 4.6—4.9 m and 6.0—7.4 cm,of which the growth was very poor in mixed stand with Mytilaria laosensis and the differences of DBH and accumulated stock of mixed pine plantation were significant at 11-year-old stands,among which the pure pine stand(the controlled treatment) with 12.6 cm in DBH and 121.05 m3·hm-2 in accumulated stock is the best for tree growth,however,the pine stand mixed with Mytilaria laosensis is the worst with 8.7 cm in DBH and 43.18 m3·hm-2 in accumulated stock.(2)At the age of 11,the mean H for 4 different species in relevant mixed stands respectively were 14.3 m for Mytilaria laosensis,10.2 m for Castanopsis hystrix,9.9 m for Michelia macclurei,9.1 m for Cuninghamia lancelata and 8.1 m for Pine.The pine trees in stand mixed with.Mytilaria laosensis and the Castanopsis hystrix trees in pine-Castanopsis hystrix mixed stand mixed should be thinned to a suitable density.(3)Two mixed stands with composition of P.massoniana×Castanopsis hystrix,and P.massoniana×Michelia macclurei are suitable to grow valuable big diameter timber for broadleaf species,and Mytilaria laosensis is recommended to plant as pure plantation with the best initiative density of 1 000—1 600 trees hm-2.



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