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不同年龄栓皮栎嫩枝扦插生根及解剖学分析和酶活性变化     被引量:5

Rooting,anatomical analysis and changes of enzyme activity of softwood cuttings of Quercus variabilis at different ages



英文题名:Rooting,anatomical analysis and changes of enzyme activity of softwood cuttings of Quercus variabilis at different ages

作者:钱家连[1] 李迎超[1] 许慧慧[1] 王茜[2] 秦爱丽[3] 任俊杰[4] 王利兵[1] 于海燕[1]








外文期刊名:Journal of Zhejiang A&F University





外文关键词:Quercus variabilis;cutting;age effect;rooting rate;anatomical structure;enzyme activity


摘要:【目的】探讨母树年龄对栓皮栎Quercus variabilis嫩枝扦插生根的影响,解析其可能成因,为栓皮栎扦插繁殖提供依据。【方法】以1年生、5年生和10年生栓皮栎母树的半木质化嫩枝为材料,用200 mg·L^(?1)生根粉(ABT-1号)浸泡处理2 h。扦插60 d后,测定各插穗生根率、生根数量、根直径、根长及多酚氧化酶(PPO)、过氧化物酶(POD)及吲哚乙酸氧化酶(IAAO)活性;采用石蜡切片法观察不同年龄插穗茎段的组织结构变化。【结果】①母树年龄越大,嫩枝扦插生根率越低。②栓皮栎不定根根原基在不定根形成后期被诱导;不同年龄插穗产生不定根时间存在差异,1年生为17 d,5年生为44 d,10年生未产生不定根。③1年生和5年生母树的插穗中IAAO、PPO和POD这3种酶活性总体呈“先上升后下降”的单峰趋势,10年生母树的插穗POD活性总体呈增加趋势,PPO和IAAO活性变化不明显。【结论】母树年龄影响插穗不定根的生成,栓皮栎嫩枝扦插生根率和平均不定根数量从高到低依次为1年生、5年生、10年生,1年生平均生根率为92.69%,5年生的平均生根率为10.79%,10年生的为0。栓皮栎的生根类型为皮部生根型,其不定根原基类型为诱生根原基。高水平POD、PPO活性有助于不定根的诱导,IAAO活性升高有助于不定根的形成。
[Objective]This study aims to explore the effect of mother tree age on the cutting rooting of Quercus variabilis as well as the possible causes,so as to provide basis for the cutting propagation of Q.variabilis.[Method]The semi-lignified shoots of 1,5 and 10-year-old oak mother trees were soaked with 200 mg·L^(?1) root powder(ABT-1)for 2 h.The rooting rate,rooting number,root diameter,root length and activities of polyphenol oxidase(PPO),peroxidase(POD)and IAA-oxidase(IAAO)were determined after 60 d.The changes of tissue structure of stem segments of cuttings at different ages were observed by paraffin sectioning.[Result](1)The older the mother tree was,the lower the cutting rooting rate was.(2)The adventitious root primordium of Q.variabilis was induced in the late stage of adventitious root formation.The adventitious root generation time of cuttings at different ages was different(17 d for trees of 1 year old,44 d for 5 years old,and none for 10 years old).(3)The activities of IAAO,PPO and POD in the cuttings of 1-year-old and 5-year-old mother trees showed a single-peak trend of‘first increasing and then decreasing’,while the activities of POD in the cuttings of 10-year-old mother trees showed an increasing trend.The activities of PPO and IAAO did not change significantly.[Conclusion]The age of mother trees affects the generation of adventitious roots of cuttings.The rooting rate and the average adventitious root number of Q.variabilis softwood cuttings from high to low are trees of 1 year old,5 years old and 10 years old,with an average rooting rate of 92.69%,10.79%,and 0,respectively.The rooting type of Q.variabilis is dermal rooting type and its adventitious root primordium is induced root primordium.High levels of POD and PPO activity are conducive to adventitious root induction,while increased IAAO activity is conducive to adventitious root formation.



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