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补光对欧洲云杉苗木生长的生理影响研究     被引量:4

Effects of supplemental lighting on growth and physiological responses of Norway spruce( Picea abies( L. ) H. Karst ) from different provenances



英文题名:Effects of supplemental lighting on growth and physiological responses of Norway spruce( Picea abies( L. ) H. Karst ) from different provenances

作者:欧阳芳群[1,2] 蒋明[1,3] 王军辉[1] 贾子瑞[1] 张宋智[3] 许娜[3] 刘林英[3] 李悦[2]








外文期刊名:Journal of Beijing Forestry University





外文关键词:auxin; gibberellins; supplemental lighting; Picea abies; polyphenols


摘要:荧光灯是促进欧洲云杉苗生长的最佳补光光源,而不同种源的处理效果差异显著。阐明这种差异产生的机制,根据不同种源制定最优补光育苗策略具有重要价值。本研究在对欧洲云杉4个种源播种苗用荧光灯连续2个生长期补充光照基础上,分析了不同种源苗期生长与内源激素、多酚类物质的关系,从生理学角度阐明了种源间补光效果的差异机制。结果显示:1)补光苗木高33.48 cm,地径5.12 mm,分别是对照的8.38和3.50倍,达到出圃标准。2)补光苗木的生长素(IAA)、赤霉素(GAs)、玉米素(ZT)、ZT/IAA和ZT/GAs均显著高于对照,而多酚类物质(除对羟基苯甲酸)及比值之间差异不显著。3)补光处理下欧洲云杉4个种源间苗木生长性状差异显著,种源DNS107的苗高(47.50 cm)比最低种源NS03CK10苗高高出14.10 cm。4)种源间在生长素、赤霉素、玉米素及比值、儿茶酸、对羟基苯甲酸及总酚酸差异显著,且生长最高的种源具有显著性高的生长素和赤霉素,第1年补光结束后测定的生长素、赤霉素分别和第2年的苗高、新梢长极显著正相关,表明补光处理下苗木生长素和赤霉素含量是促进欧洲云杉苗生长及种源间差异的主要生理因素,研究提高不同种源生长素和赤霉素水平的补光育苗措施,有助于建立各种源的高效补光育苗技术体系,提高不同种源苗木的培育水平。
Fluorescent lamp is the best light source to promote growth of Norway spruce( Picea abies( L.) H.Karst) seedlings but a significant difference in such effect exists among different provenances. Clarifying the mechanism of this difference is of important value to develop optimal strategy of supplemental lighting for seedlings from different provenances. In this study,fluorescent lamps were used to illuminate Norway spruce seedlings in greenhouse from four different localities for two continuous growth cycles and the relationship between seedling growth and endogenous hormones as well as polyphenols was analyzed. Theresults showed that: 1) The average height and diameter of seedlings were 33. 48 cm and 5. 12 mm,which is 8. 38 and 3. 50 times those under control,respectively,reaching the requirement of outdoor breeding. 2) The levels of IAA,GAs,ZT,ZT / IAA and ZT / GAs of seedlings with supplemental lighting treatment were significantly higher than those of control; however,there were no significant differences in levels of polyphenols( except for p-hydroxybenzoic acid) and corresponding ratios. 3) Under supplemental lighting treatment,the seedling growth traits were significantly affected by provenance. The average height of DNS107 seedlings( 47. 50 cm) was significantly higher than that from other provenances,14. 10 cm higher compared to the provenance NS03CK10,the lowest of the four. 4)Among provenances,there were significant differences in the contents of auxin,gibberellins,zeatin and their ratios,catechin,p-hydroxy benzoic acid and total phenolic acids. What's more,the provenance with the best growth performance had also the highest contents of auxin and gibberellins. One year after supplemental lighting treatment,extremely significant,positive correlations were both found between auxin content and second-year seedling height,and between gibberellins content and length of new shoots in the second year. These results showed that contents of auxin and gibberellins were the main physiological factors promoting growth of Norway spruce seedlings illuminated by fluorescent light and causing the difference among provenances. Study of supplemental lighting measures for improving auxin and gibberellin levels of different provenances is conducive to building a technique system of supplemental lighting and improving the level of seedling cultivation for each provenance of Norway spruce.



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