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采伐强度对水源涵养林林分结构特征的影响     被引量:15

Effect of the Cutting Intensity on Structural Characteristics of Water Conservation Forest



英文题名:Effect of the Cutting Intensity on Structural Characteristics of Water Conservation Forest

作者:李婷婷[1] 陈绍志[1] 吴水荣[1] 邬可义[1] 兰倩[1]








外文期刊名:Journal of Northwest Forestry University





外文关键词:Zhongcun forest farm; water conservation; stand structure; close-to-nature forest management


It is required for water conservation forests to have forest structures of a multilayer, high crown length, fullness crown,species mixed, rich shrub and grass. Zhongcun Forest Farm is located in Zhongcun Township,Qinshui County,Jincheng City, Shanxi Province. The forests in this farm are within the upstream mountaineous area of the first/second grade tributaries of the middle reaches of the Yellow River. More than 90% forests belong to water conservation type. Chinese pine is the dominant species. In order to enhance the conservation ability, the farm has began to take close-to-nature forest management philosophy and technology to optimize the stand structure to enhance the ecological function. However, due to limita- tions of ecological forest logging quota, cutting experiments only conducted within small forest area. Conse- quently, this paper quantitatively analyzed the spatial and non-spatial structure of three forest type with three cutting intensity (including non-managed high density pure Chinese pine forest To, relatively pure Chinese pine forest with total thinning intensity 47% T1 ,Chinese pine mixed forest with total thinning in- tensity 6 2 % T2 ), including space mingling, size ratio, diversity index, layer structure, diameter distribution, canopy indicators (crown length ratio,crown area and crown length), shrub and grass cover,etc. ,and ini- tially proposed future close-to-nature management measures. The results showed that T2 was the best in terms of layer species richness,crown length ratio and crown area, the second was T1, the worst was To, The similar results were obtained in terms of stand horizontal structure, species diversity and competitive- ness. Thus it could be seen the forest structure and ecological function of artificial ecological forest could be enhanced only by management, for artificial water conservation forest with high density, only through con- tinuous thinning to adjust stand density and trees distribution,consequently,to promote natural regenera- tion,increase diversity and improve forest stability. This study would provide data support and basic stand characteristic parameters for structure adjustment and specific management measures in region of whole forest farm, as well as to provide management case reference for artificial forest classified as ecological forest.



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