基于无人机LiDAR的杉木树冠上部外轮廓模拟与可视化研究 被引量:6
Outer Upper Crown Profile Simulation and Visualization for Cunninghamia lanceolata Based on UAV-borne LiDAR Data
英文题名:Outer Upper Crown Profile Simulation and Visualization for Cunninghamia lanceolata Based on UAV-borne LiDAR Data
作者:徐志扬[1,2] 刘浩栋[1] 陈永富[1] 陈巧[1] 李华玉[1,3] 王娟[1,3]
外文期刊名:Forest Research
外文关键词:UAV-LiDAR;individual tree segmentation;hierarchically sliced;outer upper crown profile simulation;visualization;tree species recognization
[Objective]To obtain the upper crown structure parameters(crown vertex,tree height,crown width and upper crown length)and to simulate and visualize the outer upper crown profile of Cunninghamia lanceolata based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV)LiDAR data in order to provide reference for recognizing the individual tree crown characteristics and tree species.[Method]By means of local maximum method in LiDAR360 software,the Pit-Free CHM(canopy height model),which was generated from LiDAR point clouds by LASTools open source software,was used to detect the crown vertex.Then point clouds segmentation based on CHM seed points was carried out with the use of the previous crown vertex.After that,the individual tree point clouds was selected in ArcGIS software manually,and the samples of less segmentation were purified automatically by python programming(the entire following work was done automatically by programming),then the individual tree point clouds data was ready.Secondly,the upper crown structure parameters(crown vertex,tree height,crown width and upper crown length)were extracted from purified individual tree point clouds.Thirdly,according to certain interval,the purified individual tree point clouds were hierarchically sliced to get two outer upper crown profile parameters(relative depth into the crown of interest,branch length)as model variables by width percentile method.By the way of stratified relative depth into the crown of interest,the abnormal outer upper crown profile parameters of modeling and validation samples were removed according to the method of 3 times standard deviation respectively.Three candidate basic models,quadratic polynomial,power function and exponential function,were selected for model fitting and verification.Finally,the optimal fitting model was used to visualize the 3D scene at the sample plot scale.[Result]The results showed that the accuracy of tree detection was 79.63%.The correlation of the extracted values to the measured data was analysed.The R^(2) of tree height,crown radius was 0.8905 and 0.8456.The fitting R^(2) of the three models were 0.8070,0.8170,and 0.8060,respectively.The power function fitted the outer upper crown profile for C.lanceolata better.[Conclusion]For performing tree species crown shape correctly,it is of great importance to get and purify the individual tree point clouds effectively on the condition that the stand density is very high.The outer upper crown profile model for C.lanceolata based on UAV-LiDAR can perform the crown shape well.It can provide a useful basis for the recognization of C.lanceolata.