河北省退耕还林工程生态效益评估 被引量:16
Evaluation of ecological effects of the project of conversion of cropland to forest in Hebei Province
英文题名:Evaluation of ecological effects of the project of conversion of cropland to forest in Hebei Province
作者:王红霞[1] 王雪松[2] 王兵[3] 李保玉[4] 牛香[3] 王晓燕[5] 师贺雄[3] 汪金松[3]
外文期刊名:Science of Soil and Water Conservation
外文关键词:the project of conversion of cropland to forest; ecological effects; evaluation; Hebei Province
摘要:采用分布式测算方法,对河北省退耕还林工程的生态效益进行评估。结果表明:1)2013年河北省退耕还林工程生态效益总价值量为970亿8 000万元,1年内创造的生态效益价值量远远超过工程自实施以来国家的总投资,6项生态服务功能的生态效益价值量由大到小的顺序为涵养水源、固碳释氧、生物多样性保护、净化大气环境、保育土壤和林木积累营养物质,涵养水源总物质量占该省年均水资源总量的26.54%,固土总物质量占该省年平均土壤侵蚀量的20.90%,固碳总量占"十二五"期间年碳排放量的40.96%,吸附污染物量和滞尘量远远超过了《京津冀及周边地区重点工业企业清洁生产水平提升计划》的要求;2)不同植被恢复类型生态效益价值量由大到小的顺序为宜林荒山荒地造林、退耕地还林和封山育林;3)不同林种类型的生态效益价值量由大到小的顺序为生态林、经济林和灌木林。评估结果可真实地反映河北省退耕还林工程的生态效益。
The ecological effects of the project of conversion of cropland to forest("the project "hereinafter) in Hebei Province were assessed with the distributed measurement method. The results showed that: 1) The total value of ecological effects of the project in Hebei Province is 97. 08 billion yuan annually. The total value of ecological effects of the project in Hebei Province in 2013 was far more than the total investment since 1999. The order of the value of ecological effects of six ecological services from large to small was water conservation,carbon fixation and oxygen release,biodiversity protection,air purification,soil conservation and nutrient accumulation. The total quantity of water conservation of the project in Hebei Province in 2013 accounted for 26. 54% of the annual mean total quantity of water resource,the total quantity of soil conservation accounted for 20. 90% of the annual mean total quantityof sediment discharge,the total quantity of carbon sequestration accounted for 40. 96% of the annual mean total quantity of carbon emission during the 12 th five-year plan,the quantities of pollutants adsorption and the dust-retention were far more than the total quantity of "the improvement plan for a cleaner production level of the key industrial enterprises in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding area".2) The order of value of ecological effects of different vegetation recovery types from large to small is planting trees on barren hills and uncultivated land,returning to forest and grassland from farmland,and closing hill sides for afforestation. 3) The order of value of ecological effects of different forest types from large to small is ecological forest,economic forest and shrubbery. Our evaluation results truly reflect the ecological effects of the project of conversion of cropland to forest in Hebei Province.