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土壤含水量对旱季降香黄檀树干呼吸和非结构性碳水化合物的影响     被引量:6

Effects of soil moisture on stem respiration and non-structural carbohydrates of Dalbergia odorifera in the dry season



英文题名:Effects of soil moisture on stem respiration and non-structural carbohydrates of Dalbergia odorifera in the dry season

作者:崔之益[1] 徐大平[1] 杨曾奖[1] 张宁南[1] 刘小金[1] 洪舟[1]








外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Ecology





外文关键词:Dalbergia odorifera ; heartwood ; stem respiration ; non-structural carbohydrate ;starch ; soluble sugar; drought


To investigate the effects of soil moisture on predawn shoot water potential (ψpd) , stem respiration (Rs ) and non-structural carbohydrates (NSCs) during the dry season, four soil moisture levels including heavy drought (HD), light drought (LD), dry-season irrigation (DI) and control (CK) were set up in Dalbergia odorifera plantations. All those parameters were measured semimonthly. Soil moisture content and ψpd declined continuously and had significant differences among treatments after November. Rs increased exponentially with temperature and the coefficients of determination were all greater than 0. 65. Q10 differed signifcantly among treatments, following the order of DI〉CK〉LD〉HD. Stem temperature (T) and Rs declined continuously during the dry season and reached their minimum values in January. There was no significant difference of temperature among moisture treatments except in winter. Irrigation increased the Rs rate, and drought decreased it. The soluble sugars tended to increase during the dry season at the cost of starch, which caused a small but non-significant increase in NSCs. The effect of moisture treatments on the content of total NSCs was limited; however, the drought treatment increased the soluble sugars content and decreased the starch content. Low soil moisture induced by drought enhanced the transformation of starch to soluble sugars during winter, when heartwood formed. Rs explained 72% and 49% of the seasonal variation in starch and soluble sugars, respectively. The ψpa explained 49%, 75% and 85% of the variance in the Rs, stem starch and soluble sugars, respectively. Soil moisture likely affects R8 by modulating the amounts of sapwood starch and soluble sugars. These strong relationships provide evidence for the hypothesis that drought would promote heartwood formation in D. odorifera. In addition, given the significant relationship between R8 and NSCs, the variation in the Rs may also indicate changes in heartwood formation.



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