基于水流模型的串联式水平潜流湿地除磷效果分析 ( EI收录) 被引量:3
Analysis on phosphorus removal in series horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland based on hydraulic model
英文题名:Analysis on phosphorus removal in series horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland based on hydraulic model
作者:张岩[1,2] 崔丽娟[1,2] 李伟[1,2] 张曼胤[1,2] 张亚琼[1,2]
通信作者:Cui, Lijuan
外文期刊名:Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
外文关键词:purification;wetlands;models;horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland;hydraulic model
摘要:为了探究串联式水平潜流湿地内部水流规律及其对水禽污水的处理效果,对三级串联式水平潜流湿地运行效果进行了连续监测,分析了单位面积总磷(total phosphorus,TP)去除率月变化,进水流量和水力停留时间(hydraulic retention time,HRT)对出水TP质量浓度的影响,并通过推流式反应器模型(plug-flow,PF)、扩散流模型(dispersed-flow,DF)和串联反应器模型(tanks-in-series,TIS)对水流形态进行了描述。结果表明:单位面积磷去除率随处理单元(P1,P2,P3)增加而降低(P1:(0.11±0.09)g/(m2·d)、P2:(0.08±0.03)g/(m2·d)、P3:(0.05±0.01)g/(m2·d));进水流量小于55m3/d时,增加进水流量可提高P1单位面积去除率,但会降低P2和P3单位面积去除率,P2和P3在HRT>85d时对HRT具有较强敏感性,各处理单元最佳进水流量和HRT分别为P1:55m3/d,166d;P2:3.4m3/d,151d;P3:9.5m3/d,176d;P1在6月单位面积TP去除量大于释放量,P2和P3在7月-9月均存在TP净释放过程;P1(k:0.663~0.751cm/d)理化环境较P2(k:0.641~0.722cm/d)和P3(k:0.429~0.458cm/d)更有利于除磷;TIS模型(R2:0.567~0.883,P〈0.05)对出水质量浓度的拟合大于DF(R2:0.510~0.723,P〈0.05)和PF模型(R2:0.465~0.626,P〈0.05),表明实际水流形态更接近混合流。该研究对于深化水平潜流湿地内部水流规律认识,全面了解不同运作下磷迁移转化机制提供参考。
In order to explore the internal water flow patterns of series horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland and the treatment efficiency of wastewater from the domestically raised waterfowl, treatment performance on the waterfowl wastewater by a horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland with three stages in series (P1, P2, P3) was monitored continuously. Changes in the removal efficiency of total phosphorus (TP) per area base by the horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland in different months were analyzed. The effects of the influent flow rate and hydraulic retention time on the effluent concentration of TP in the horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland were analyzed. In addition, the actual flow morphologic characteristics in the horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland were described through the use of three different hydraulic models including the plug-flow model, the dispersed-flow model and the tanks-in-series model. Results showed that an overall decrease of the removal efficiency of TP was observed as the number of treatment ponds increased. The averaged removal efficiencies of TP were (0.11±0.09) g/(m2·d), (0.08±0.03) g/(m2·d) and (0.05±0.01) g/(m2·d) respectively for the treatment ponds P1, P2 and P3 throughout the experiment. The increase of influent flow rate was conducive to the increase of the removal efficiency of TP in the treatment pond P1 when the influent flow rates were maintained at a level lower than 55 m3/d. However, the removal efficiencies of TP in the treatment ponds P2 and P3 declined as the influent load increased when the influent flow rates were lower than 55 m3/d. While the increase of hydraulic retention time was beneficial to the increase of the removal efficiencies of TP, resulting in decrease of effluent concentrations of TP in different treatment ponds. The removal efficiencies of TP in the treatment ponds P2 and P3 appeared to be more sensitive to the changes in the hydraulic retention time conditions when the hydraulic retention time was longer than 85 d, and exhibited greater fluctuations than the removal efficiencies of TP when the hydraulic retention time was less than 85 d. The maximum removal efficiencies of TP were reached under the condition of optimal combinations of influent flow rate and hydraulic retention time:55 m3/d and 166 d;3.4 m3/d and 151 d and 9.5 m3/d and 176 d, respectively for the treatment ponds P1, P2 and P3. Seasonal variations in the removal efficiency of TP were observed in the horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland. The treatment pond P1 appeared to be efficient in the removal of TP in summer as indicated by higher removal efficiencies of TP in the summer than in the autumn. While the treatment pond P3 experienced a longer time of net discharges of TP in the summer than in the autumn. The removal efficiency of TP in the treatment pond P2 exhibited a great fluctuation as the experiment proceeded and net discharges of TP occurred both in the summer and in the autumn. Compared with the treatment ponds P2 and P3, the treatment pond P1 with a more favorable physical and chemical conditions in the horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland was more efficient in the removal of phosphorus, as indicated by the higher first-order removal coefficients ranged from 0.663 cm/d to 0.751 cm/d than treatment ponds P2 (0.641 to 0.722 cm/d) and P3 (0.429 to 0.458 cm/d). Results of the simulations demonstrated that the tanks-in-series model with higher determination coefficients of 0.567-0.883 (P 〈 0.05) fit the observed data better than the dispersed-flow model (R2: 0.510-0.723, P 〈 0.05) and the plug-flow model (R2:0.465-0.626, P〈0.05), indicating that the actual flow morphologic characteristics in the horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland was close to mixed flow. Results of this study were benefit in deepening the understanding of the internal flow patterns and distributions, as well as the transportation and dispersion mechanisms of phosphorus under different operating conditions of horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands.