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我国现存梭梭荒漠植被地理分布及其斑块特征     被引量:56

Geographic Distribution of Existing Haloxylon Desert Vegetation and Its Patch Character in China



英文题名:Geographic Distribution of Existing Haloxylon Desert Vegetation and Its Patch Character in China

作者:郭泉水[1] 王春玲[2] 郭志华[1] 谭德远[3] 史作民[1]








外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:Haloxylon desert vegetation; geographic distribution; patch character; vegetation coverage


摘要:根据2001年出版的<中国植被图集>,应用地理信息系统(GIS)ARC/INFO(NT版)和数字化仪,提取梭梭荒漠植被信息,绘制梭梭荒漠植被地理分布专题图,并以此为基础,对梭梭荒漠植被的群落类型、分布格局及其斑块特征进行分析;同时,结合近年来对梭梭荒漠植被结构的调查结果,对我国梭梭荒漠植被状况进行评价.结果表明:我国现存梭梭荒漠植被总面积约11.4万km2,其中,以新疆分布的面积最大,约占全国梭梭荒漠植被总面积的73.1%,其次是内蒙古,约占全国的14.1%,青海省和甘肃省的分布面积较小,分别占全国的7.9%和4.9%;不同梭梭荒漠群落类型的面积不尽相同,其中,梭梭柴砾漠的面积约占全国梭梭荒漠植被总面积的37.3%,梭梭柴沙漠约占全国的21.3%,白梭梭荒漠约占全国的23%,其他梭梭荒漠群落类型的总面积约占全国的19.4%.我国梭梭荒漠植被分布在107.6-77.3°E,47.4-36.1°N;垂直分布87 ~ 3 174 m;在梭梭荒漠植被分布区的东界和南界,主要分布的梭梭荒漠群落类型是梭梭柴砾漠,在西界和北界,主要分布的是梭梭柴沙漠.组成我国梭梭荒漠植被的斑块共180个,主要特征是:小斑块多,大斑块少,斑块之间的面积相差悬殊,多数斑块之间距离较远.虽然我国梭梭荒漠植被分布面积大,但群落盖度小,盖度小于30%的面积约占现存梭梭荒漠植被总面积的70%.
On the basis of the “Atlas of China vegetation” compiled by the “China Vegetation Atlas Editorial Committee of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, we had applied the Geographic Information System (GIS) ARC/INFO ( NT version) and digitizer to extract Haloxylon desert vegetation information and draw a special topic map of the geographic distribution of Haloxylon desert vegetation. On this basis, we had analyzed the community type, distribution pattern and patch character of Haloxylon desert vegetation. At the same time, according to the survey result of Haloxylon desert vegetation structure in recent years, we had undertaked preliminary evaluation of Haloxylon desert vegetation resources. The result showed that the total area of existing Haloxylon desert vegetation is 114 000 km^2, the distribution area in Xinjiang was the largest, accounting for 73.1% of total national Haloxylon desert vegetation, then followed by Inner Mongolia, accounting for about 14.1% of the national total; the distribution areas of existing Haloxylon desert vegetation in Qinghai and Gansu provinces accounted for 7.9% and 4.9%, respectively. The area of different Haloxylon desert vegetation types is also different, the area of Haloxylon ammodendron gravel desert accounted for 37.3 % of the total area of Haloxylon desert vegetation ; The area of H. ammodendron desert accounted for about 21.3% of the national total; The area of H. persicum accounted for 23% of the national total; And other types of Haloxylon desert community accounted for 19.4% of the national total. In China the Haloxylon desert vegetation located at: 107.6--77.3°E, 47.4--36. 1°N. The altitude of vertical distribution was between 87 - 3 174 m. In the east and south borders of the Haloxylon desert vegetation distribution area,the major Haloxylon desert community type is H. ammodendron gravel desert while in the west and north borders, the major community type is H. ammodendron desert. The patches consisted of Haloxylon desert vegetation is 180 in China. The characters of the patches are many small patches, fewer large patches, with area of patches among patches was different by a big margin and the distance between most patches was fairly distant. According to actual survey result in recent years, although the distribution area of Haloxylon desert vegetation in China is very large, yet its coverage was in general fairly small, with an area of less than 30 % coverage accounting for 70 % of the total area of existing Haloxylon desert vegetation.



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