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欧洲云杉扦插生根进程中内源激素和多酚类物质变化     被引量:44

Qualitative Analysis of Endogenesis Hormone and Polyphenol During Rooting of Cuttings in Norway Spruce(Picea abies)



英文题名:Qualitative Analysis of Endogenesis Hormone and Polyphenol During Rooting of Cuttings in Norway Spruce(Picea abies)

作者:欧阳芳群[1,2] 付国赞[3] 王军辉[1] 马建伟[4] 安三平[4] 王美琴[4] 李悦[2]








外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:Norway spruce; softwood cuttage; radication course; endogenesis hormone; polyphenol


摘要:【目的】研究欧洲云杉嫩枝扦插生根过程中的生根性状、插穗内的内源激素和多酚类物质含量的变化情况,探讨插穗内内源激素和多酚类物质对欧洲云杉扦插生根影响,旨在为欧洲云杉扦插繁殖机理研究提供科学理论依据。【方法】以5年生欧洲云杉嫩枝插穗为试验材料,在扦插后30,40,50,55,60,65,70,75和80天分别取20株插穗调查愈伤组织形成和根系发育情况,以及扦插后0,37,45,67和72天取插穗的针叶和45,67和72天取插穗基部或基部愈伤组织分析插穗内源激素和多酚类物质含量。【结果】欧洲云杉扦插30天后已有55%的穗条形成愈伤组织,50天愈伤组织全部形成,50-75天为愈伤组织分化生根的高峰期,生根率达到90%,平均生根数为10.7。之后生根数量不变,根系仍然在生长,且扦插后根系效果指数持续增高。扦插后至37天,IAA和ZT/GA3分别降低28.79%和52.35%;GA3,ZT/IAA和GA3/IAA分别升高55.02%,32.78%和67.97%。扦插后37-45天愈伤组织形成期,IAA和GA3分别降低25.75%和40.91%;ZT/GA3,ZT/IAA和GA3/IAA分别升高39.32%,23.75%和20.41%。不定根诱导期(45-67天),IAA由61.7 ng·100 g^-1增加至79.8 ng·100 g^-1,ZT/GA3增加13.84%;而GA3,ZT/IAA,GA3/IAA降低,分别降低16.27%,24.86%,35.26%。扦插后至67天,ZT的含量约为80 ng·100 g^-1,67-72天以29.97%速率降低,降低为55.6 ng·100 g^-1。对羟基苯甲酸在愈伤组织形成前(37天前)呈升高的趋势,由2.23 ng·100 g^-1增加至7.19 ng·100 g^-1。当进入不定根形成期,对羟基苯甲酸含量呈逐渐减小的趋势,减少至4.16 ng·100 g^-1。儿茶酸和总酚酸含量在欧洲云杉枝插生根过程中均呈降低的趋势。扦插基部韧皮部的内源激素和多酚类物质的含量及比值的变化趋势基部同针叶内,只是含量及比值远远高于插穗基部韧皮部。植物的内源激素和多酚类物质多在幼嫩的叶和芽内合成,并向茎基部和其他部位运输。因此欧洲云杉扦插生根进程中,针叶的内源激素和多酚类物质含量远远高于插穗基部韧皮部内,尤其是67天针叶内IAA含量(79.8 ng·100 g^-1)是基部韧皮部内(17.4 ng·100 g^-1)是4.58-7.52倍。【结论】在欧洲云杉扦插生根进程中,内源激素和多酚类物质的此消彼长共同影响促进愈伤组织分化和不定根的形成。不定根诱导期IAA含量升高,而GA3,ZT和多酚类物质降低是促进插穗生根的重要原因。因此IAA是促进不定根形成的主要内源激素,GA3和ZT以及多酚类物质是不定根形成的抑制剂。
【Objective】The high rooting efficiency of Norway spruce cuttings has important significance on promoting its superior clones breeding. The change of rooting characters,endogenous hormones and phenolics content in the rooting process of Norway spruce cuttings were studied in order to explore the effect of different endogenous hormone and polyphenols in cuttings on rooting and provide scientific theory basis for mechanism research of Norway spruce cutting propagation. 【Method】In the present study,Norway spruce shoot cuttings from mixed clones of 5- year- old trees weretaken as the experimental material,whose callus formation and root development were investigated after cutting for 30,40,50,55,60,65,70,75,and 70 d; as well as cuttings needles( after 0,37,45,67,and 72 d) and cuttings base or basal callus( after cutting for 45,67,and 72 d) were analysised endogenous hormones and polyphenols content.【Result】The results showed that 55% shoot cuttings had formed callus in 30 d,which had finished in 50 d after planting.The period of 50 - 75 d after planting was fastigium of callus differentiation and adventitious root information,the rooting percentage was 90%,the average number of root was 10. 7. After which,the number of root remain the same,but the root was kept growing and the index of root effect was continue rising. The content of indoleacetic acid( IAA),zeatin /gibberellin( ZT / GA3) reduced at 37 d after planting,28. 79% and 52. 35% respectively. whereas,the value of gibberellin( GA3),ZT/IAA,GA3/ IAA increased,55. 02%,32. 78% and 67. 97% respectively. During the period of callus formation( 37 - 45 d),IAA and GA3 reduced 25. 75% and 40. 91% respectively; ZT / GA3,ZT/IAA and GA3/ IAA increased,39. 32%,23. 75% and 20. 41% respectively. In the rooting induced period( 45 - 67 d),the value of IAA,ZT / GA3 increased,IAA increased from 61. 7 to 79. 8 ng·100 g^-1. while,the value of GA3,ZT/IAA and GA3/ IAA reduced 16. 27%,24. 86% and 35. 26% respectively. The level of ZT was about 80 ng·100 g^-1until 67 d after planting,which was decreased to 55. 6 ng·100 g^-1at 72 d. p-hydroxybenzoic acid( PHBA) level showed elevatory trend before37 d,increased from 2. 23 to 7. 19 ng·100 g^-1,which showed decrease trend after callus formation and reduced to4. 16 ng·100 g^-1. Catechin( CA) and total phenolic acid( TPA) level both showed decrease trend in the rooting process. The change trend of endogenous hormones and polyphenol compounds in needles were the same as those in cutting base phloem. Endogenous hormones and polyphenols produced in young leaves and buds and transported to stem base and other parts. Therefore the content of endogenous hormones and polyphenol compounds in needles were much higher than that in cutting base phloem. Especailly for the level of IAA at 67 d,IAA level of needles( 79. 8 ng·100 g^-1) was 4. 58 -7. 52 times higher than that of stem base( 17. 4 ng·100 g^-1). 【Conclusion】In rooting process of shoot cuttings in Norway spruce,endogenous hormones and polyphenol jointly promoted callus differentiation and adventitious roots formation. The IAA level increased and GA3,ZT,and polyphenols decreased during the adventitious root formation period. Endogenous IAA was the main endogenous hormone for promoting adventitious root formation,endogenous GA3,ZT and polyphenol inhibited of adventitious root formation.



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