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低温胁迫下短枝木麻黄耐寒相关基因的差异表达分析  ( EI收录)   被引量:4

Analysis on Differential Expression of Cold Resistance Related Genes of Casuarina equisetifolia under Low Temperature Stress



英文题名:Analysis on Differential Expression of Cold Resistance Related Genes of Casuarina equisetifolia under Low Temperature Stress

作者:李楠[1,2] 郑勇奇[1] 丁红梅[3] 柳新红[2] 盛炜彤[1] 江波[2] 李海波[2]


通信作者:Li, Haibo







外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:Casuarina equisetifolia; low temperature stress; cold tolerance; gene expression; molecular breeding


摘要:【目的】对6个耐寒相关调控基因(RAP2.7,ABR1,At HSFA6B,Atb ZIP44,GRXC6和HSP18.2)在耐寒和不耐寒木麻黄种质中精细表达模式进行分析,为深入解析木麻黄耐寒的分子机制提供理论基础。【方法】测定耐寒(ZS7)和不耐寒(HN1)2种短枝木麻黄无性系在-2^-11℃低温胁迫下的相对电导率,基于Logistic方程对处理温度和对应的相对电导率进行拟合,计算低温半致死温度(LT50)。根据前期转录组测序得到的6个耐寒相关调控基因的EST序列设计特异引物,利用逆转录实时荧光定量PCR分析6个基因在-2,-5,-8℃连续3个温度梯度胁迫下的表达差异,以及在-5℃低温下连续胁迫1,2,5,8,16,24,48,72 h后,在耐寒和不耐寒短枝木麻黄无性系中的精细表达模式。基因相对表达量的计算采用2-ΔΔCT法。【结果】在低温胁迫下,耐寒和不耐寒短枝木麻黄无性系的相对电导率存在极显著差异(P<0.01),低温半致死温度分别为-5.92℃和-2.87℃。在常温条件下,6个基因在耐寒和不耐寒种质中的相对表达量皆无明显差异。在临近不耐寒种质半致死温度的-2℃下持续2 h后,6个耐寒相关基因在不耐寒种质中的表达被强烈抑制,而在耐寒种质中的表达被激活;在临近耐寒种质半致死温度的-5℃下持续2 h后,不耐寒种质中的各基因被进一步抑制,同时在耐寒种质中的表达亦被强烈抑制;在低于半致死温度的-8℃下持续2 h后,各基因的表达继续受到抑制。对在临近耐寒种质半致死温度的-5℃胁迫下,耐寒种质和不耐寒种质的精细表达模式分析表明,在-5℃低温胁迫下,耐寒种质中6个基因的表达在8 h后开始呈现极显著上调,表达量最高值集中在低温胁迫后的第8,24,48 h;不耐寒种质中6个基因的表达在1~16 h内皆呈现极显著下调,表达量最低值集中在1~5 h内。【结论】在耐寒相关调控基因的表达水平上,耐寒和不耐寒短枝木麻黄对低温的应答机制明显不同。低温激活了耐寒种质中转录因子、ROS家族基因、ROS应答因子等调控基因的增强表达以抵御和适应逆境胁迫,但抑制了在不耐寒种质中的表达,显著降低了不耐寒种质对低温逆境的耐受能力。该研究在一定程度上对于丰富木麻黄适应低温的分子机制,以及耐寒无性系的分子选育都具有一定的参考价值。
【Objective 】 The expression patterns of 6 cold resistance related genes( RAP2. 7,ABR1,At HSFA6 B,Atb ZIP44,GRXC6 and HSP18. 2) in cold-tolerant and cold-intolerant Casuarina equisetifolia were analyzed in order to provide a theoretical basis for elucidating the molecular mechanism of Casuarina trees in response to cold stress.【Method】The relative conductivity in cold-tolerant( ZS7) and cold-intolerant( HN1) clones of C. equisetifolia were measured under low temperature stresses at-2--11 ℃. The low half-lethal temperature( LT50) were calculated by fitting the temperature with the relative conductivity based on the logistic equation. Quantitative Real-Time PCR( q PCR) was employed to investigate the differential expression of the 6 cold resistance related genes in cold-tolerant and cold-intolerantclones under successive low temperature stresses at-2,-5 and-8 ℃,as well as precise expression patterns under low temperature stresses at-5 ℃ for 1,2,5,8,16,24,48 and 72 h. The specific primers for q PCR were designed based on the EST sequences of 6 cold resistance related genes identified from previous transcriptome analysis. Analysis of relative gene expression data was performed using 2-ΔΔ CTmethod.【Result】Under low temperature stresses,relative conductivity in cold-tolerant and cold-intolerant clones had a very highly significant difference( P〈 0. 01),LT50was-5. 92 ℃ and-2. 87 ℃,respectively. Under normal temperature condition,the relative expression of all the 6 genes in 2 clones had no significant differences. However,under low temperature stress at-2 ℃ for 2 h,which was close to the LT50 of coldintolerant clone,expression of these genes in the cold-intolerant clone were strongly inhibited,while in the cold-tolerant clone were activated. Under low temperature stress at-5 ℃ for 2 h,which was close to the LT50 of the cold-tolerant clone,expression of these genes were further inhibited in the cold-intolerant clone,also in the cold-tolerant clone. Under low temperature stress at-8 ℃ for 2 h,which was lower than the LT50,the expression of all 6 genes in 2 clones were inhibited continuously. The precise expression patterns analysis revealed that the expression of all 6 genes were significantly up-regulated in the cold-tolerant clone under low temperature stress at-5 ℃ for 8 h,reaching the maximum at 8 h,24 h and 48 h,and significantly down-regulated in the cold-intolerant clone at 1-16 h,reaching the minimum at1-5 h. 【Conclusion 】 On the expression level of cold resistance related genes,different clones showed significantly different responding mechanisms to low temperature stress. Low temperature induces the expression of genes belonging to transcription factors and ROS family,and genes related with the response to ROS in cold-tolerant C. equisetifolia to resist or adapt to cold stress,instead it was inhibited in the cold-intolerant C. equisetifolia,thus significantly decreased its adaptation to cold stress. This study provided a useful basis for enriching the molecular mechanism of Casuarina trees in coping with cold stress,and for molecular selection and breeding of cold-tolerant Casuarina clones.



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