氮磷供应水平对野蔷薇生长和养分吸收的影响 被引量:2
Effects of Different Supply Levels of Nitrogen and Phosphorus on Growth and Nutrient Uptake in Rosa multiflora
英文题名:Effects of Different Supply Levels of Nitrogen and Phosphorus on Growth and Nutrient Uptake in Rosa multiflora
作者:马庆华[1] 王兴红[1] 蔡京艳[1] 汤志敏[1] 杨德付[1] 郑广顺[1]
外文期刊名:Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences
外文关键词:Rosa multiflora Thunb.;nitrogen;phosphorus;stem diameter;nutrient uptake
摘要:【目的】研究不同养分梯度下野蔷薇生长、养分吸收特征及根土互作效应,为优化施肥提供科学依据。【方法】采用大田实验,研究5个施氮和5个施磷水平(分别为0、50、100、200和300 mg/kg)对无刺野蔷薇(Rosa multiflora Thunb.ex Murr.)主干地径、养分吸收、叶片SPAD及土壤养分有效性的影响。【结果】随着施氮量增加,主干地径生长呈现先增加后降低的趋势,施氮量从0增加到50 mg/kg时,地径生长量增加22.69%~35.05%;施氮量增加到100 mg/kg时,地径生长量增加46.34%~51.14%;随后保持平稳状态,当施氮量增加到300 mg/kg时,地径生长量显著降低。磷供应水平在2018年表现出与氮类似的趋势,当施磷量为100 mg/kg时,地径生长达到最大值,随后开始降低;2019年当施磷量从0增加到50 mg/kg时,地径生长量增加38.02%,随后保持稳定状态。当施氮量为200 mg/kg或施磷量为100 mg/kg时,叶片SPAD值较其他处理分别增加4.79%~17.12%和5.85%~17.82%。随着施氮量增加,植株(叶片和枝条)氮含量表现出先增加后降低的生长特征。随着施磷量增加,植株磷含量表现出先增加然后平稳的生长特征。并且不同氮水平下,主干地径生长与植株氮含量和土壤有效氮均表现出显著的正相关关系(P<0.05)。不同供磷水平下,主干地径生长仅与土壤有效磷表现出正相关关系(P<0.01)。【结论】野蔷薇生长对氮和磷供应强度表现出高度的可塑性,适宜的氮磷供应水平有利于维持土壤较高的养分有效性,促进养分吸收,促进主干地径增粗生长。
【Objective】Study the nutrient absorption characteristics and root-soil interaction effects of wild rose will provide a scientific basis for optimal fertilization.【Methods】A field experiment was carried out to study the effects of five nitrogen and five phosphorus levels(0,50,100,200,and 300 mg/kg,respectively)on the main stem diameter,nutrient absorption,leaf SPAD and the soil nutrient availability.【Results】The results of the two-year experiment showed that with the increase in nitrogen application,main stem diameter increased firstly and then decreased.When the nitrogen application rate increased from 0 to 50 mg/kg,the stem diameter growth increased by 22.69%-35.05%;When the rate increased to 100 mg/kg,the stem diameter growth increased by 46.34%-51.14%;When the amount of nitrogen increased to 300 mg/kg,the value of stem diameter growth decreased significantly.The effects of phosphorus supply levels on stem diameter showed a similar trend to nitrogen in 2018.When the phosphorus application rate was 100 mg/kg,the ground diameter growth reached the maximum,and then began to decrease.However,different trends were discovered in 2019.When the amount of phosphorus applied increased from 0 to 50 mg/kg,the stem diameter increased by 38.02%,and then remained stable.When the nitrogen application rate was 200 mg/kg and the phosphorus application rate was 100 mg/kg,the leaf SPAD value increased by 4.79%-17.12%and 5.85%-17.82%,respectively,compared with other treatments.With the increase in nitrogen application,the nitrogen content of the plants(leaves and branches)showed a similar trend as stem growth.As the amount of phosphorus applied increased,the phosphorus content of leaves and branches showed a trend of increasing first and then stabilizing.Moreover,under different nitrogen levels,the growth of main stem diameter showed a significant positive correlation with plant nitrogen content and soil available nitrogen(P<0.05).In contrast,under different phosphorus supply levels,the growth of main stem diameter only showed a significant correlation with soil available phosphorus(P<0.01).【Conclusion】The growth of Rosa multiflora shows a high degree of plasticity to the supply intensity of nitrogen and phosphorus.The appropriate levels of nitrogen and phosphorus supply are effective to maintain the appropriate nutrient availability in the soil,and promote nutrient absorption and the expansion of the trunk diameter.