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气候变暖背景下内蒙古大兴安岭林区森林火灾发生日期的变化     被引量:16

Changes in the Occurring Date of Forest Fires in the Inner Mongolia Daxing'anling Forest Region Under Global Warming



英文题名:Changes in the Occurring Date of Forest Fires in the Inner Mongolia Daxing'anling Forest Region Under Global Warming

作者:赵凤君[1] 舒立福[1] 邸雪颖[2] 田晓瑞[1] 王明玉[1]








外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:Julian date; global warming; fire season; forest fire regime; Daxing'anling


摘要:By using Julian Date methods,this paper studied the changes of forest fire occurring date during 1980~2006 in Inner Mongolia Daxing’anling forest region,as well as discussed the changes of fire season and forest fire regime under global warming.The results indicated that Julian Date of fires changed obviously,i.e.the fires Julian Date in spring extended into summer markedly,and at the same time summer fires were mostly caused by lightning fires.The Julian Date of human-caused fires did not evidently change.In recent some years,the forest fires occurred in summer actually exceeded the sum of fires occurred in spring and autumn.Consequently,the fire seasons are not only in spring and autumn,so long as the litter has not been covered by snow,forest fires possibly take place.In the future,under a warmer climate,the authors’ suggestion for forest fire management departments is to adequately understand these forest fire regime changes and make adaptive policies,in order to reduce the damage induced by forest fires.
By using Julian Date methods, this paper studied the changes of forest fire occurring date during 1980- 2006 in Inner Mongolia Daxing' anling forest region, as well as discussed the changes of fire season and forest fire regime under global warming. The results indicated that Julian Date of fires changed obviously, i.e. the fires Julian Date in spring extended into summer markedly, and at the same time summer fires were mostly caused by lightning fires. The Julian Date of human - caused fires did not evidently change. In recent some years, the forest fires occurred in summer actually exceeded the sum of fires occurred in spring and autumn. Consequently, the fire seasons are not only in spring and autumn, so long as the litter has not been covered by snow, forest fires possibly take place. In the future, under a warmer climate, the authors' suggestion for forest fire management departments is to adequately understand these forest fire regime changes and make adaptive policies, in order to reduce the damage induced by forest fires.



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