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旱柳非叶光合组织(皮层)叶绿体光合特性     被引量:8

Chloroplast Photosynthetic Characteristics of Non-Leaf Photosynthetic Tissues (Cortex) of Salix matsudana



英文题名:Chloroplast Photosynthetic Characteristics of Non-Leaf Photosynthetic Tissues (Cortex) of Salix matsudana

作者:张金尧[1] 刘俊祥[1] 巨关升[1] 韩蕾[1] 孙振元[1]








外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:Salix matsudana;cortex;chloroplast;photosynthetic characteristics


摘要:测定人工气候室中培养的旱柳当年生枝条和完全展开叶片的光合色素含量,并应用蔗糖密度梯度离心法提取枝条皮层和完全展开叶片叶绿体,测定其完整性,比较分析二者光响应特性和叶绿素荧光特性的差异。结果表明:旱柳皮层叶绿素含量约是叶片的10.0%,类胡萝卜素含量约是叶片的13.7%,叶绿素a/b比值小于叶片,叶绿素/类胡萝卜素比值大于叶片;应用蔗糖密度梯度离心法可获得被膜完整率超过80%的离体叶绿体,能够满足叶绿体光合生理特性研究的需要;100,200,300,500,800μmol·m-2s-1光强下,旱柳皮层叶绿体的光合放氧速率均低于叶片,光饱和点出现在300μmol·m-2s-1,最大光合放氧速率为35.58μmolO2·mg-1Chl h-1,而叶片的光饱和点在500μmol·m-2s-1,最大光合放氧速率为42.78μmolO2·mg-1Chl h-1;皮层叶绿体的PSⅡ最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)平均高出叶片30.2%,PSⅡ潜在光化学活性(Fv/Fo)平均高出叶片36.1%。旱柳皮层叶绿体的光合速率和光饱和点低于叶片,皮层叶绿体表现出较高的光能转化效率、较低的叶绿素a/b比值等适应枝条内光环境的特点。
In order to investigate the photosynthetic characteristics of cortex of Salix matsudana branches,this study measured the photosynthetic pigment content of current year branches and fully expanded leaves of S. matsudana cultured in artificial climate chamber. The two kinds of chloroplasts were isolated by sucrose density gradient centrifugation,and their intact rate was measured and their differences between light response characteristics and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics were analyzed comparatively. The result showed that the chlorophyll content and carotenoid content of the cortex were approximately 10. 0% and 13. 7% of that from the leaf,respectively. The ratio of chlorophyll-a to chlorophyll-b in the cortex was lower than that of the leaf,and the ratio of chlorophyll to carotenoid was conversely. The intact rate of acquired chloroplasts was more than 80%,which was able to meet the needs of research on photosynthetic physiological characteristics of chloroplasts. The rate of photosynthetic oxygen evolution of cortical chloroplasts was lower than that of leaf chloroplasts all the way under the light intensity of 100,200,300,500,800 μmol·m^-2 s^-1,respectively. The light saturation point of cortical chloroplasts was at 300 μmol·m^-2 s^-1 with the maximum rate of photosynthetic oxygen evolution of 35. 58 μmol·mg^-1 Chl h ^-1 while the leaf was at 500 μmol·m^-2 s^-1 with the maximum rate of photosynthetic oxygen evolution of 42. 78 μmol·mg ^-1Chl h^ -1,respectively. The maximum photochemical efficiency of PSⅡ(Fv/Fm) of cortical chloroplasts was greater than that of leaf chloroplasts by 30. 2% averagely,and the potential photochemical activity of PSⅡ(Fv/Fo) was greater than the leaf chloroplasts by 36. 1% averagely. In summary,the photosynthetic rate and light saturation point of cortical chloroplasts of S. matsudana were lower than those of the leaves,however the cortical chloroplast had characteristics such as higher light energy conversion efficiency and lower chlorophyll a/b ratio which was adapted to the light environment within the branches.



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