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单叶省藤组培苗造林初步研究     被引量:10

Afforestation of Calamus simplicifolius by Tube-seedlings



英文题名:Afforestation of Calamus simplicifolius by Tube-seedlings

作者:曾炳山[1] 尹光天[1] 许煌灿[1] 刘英[1] 冯昌林[2] 吕世安[3]








外文期刊名:Forest Research





外文关键词:Calamus simplicifolius; tube seedling; afforestation; clump seedling; suckering ability


摘要:This paper deals with tubeseedling afforestation of Calamus simplicifolius. The survival rate of tubeseedlings planted in arboretum and Duadanga grandiflora forest is not lower than that of normal seedlings. That indicates the afforestation requirements of tubeseedlings, such as site selection, site preparation, shading trees and planting, can be similar to those of normal seedlings. The survival rate of tubeseedlings planted in arboretum, teak forest, Michelia macclurei forest, Duadanga grandiflora forest and natural secondary forest can be higher than ninety percent. The afforestation results of clump seedlings show that the survival rate of shoots in the clump is relative to their initial height before afforestation. The highest shoot in clumps has the highest survival rate. In clump seedlings, individual shoots with a height lower than 20 cm have very low afforestation survival rate. There is eminent difference among the height growth of different tissue culture families. This indicates the selection of elite family or plus plant can enhance the production of rattan forests. Experiment results also show that plants developed from tubeseedlings have stronger suckering ability and can germinate suckers one or two years earlier than those developed from normal seedlings. This phenomenon needs more research and more attention should be paid on the remnant impact of plant growth regulators applied in proliferation culture.
This paper deals with tubeseedling afforestation of Calamus simplicifolius. The survival rate of tubeseedlings planted in arboretum and Duadanga grandiflora forest is not lower than that of normal seedlings. That indicates the afforestation requirements of tubeseedlings, such as site selection, site preparation, shading trees and planting, can be similar to those of normal seedlings. The survival rate of tubeseedlings planted in arboretum, teak forest, Michelia macclurei forest, Duadanga grandiflora forest and natural secondary forest can be higher than ninety percent. The afforestation results of clump seedlings show that the survival rate of shoots in the clump is relative to their initial height before afforestation. The highest shoot in clumps has the highest survival rate. In clump seedlings, individual shoots with a height lower than 20 cm have very low afforestation survival rate. There is eminent difference among the height growth of different tissue culture families. This indicates the selection of elite family or plus plant can enhance the production of rattan forests. Experiment results also show that plants developed from tubeseedlings have stronger suckering ability and can germinate suckers one or two years earlier than those developed from normal seedlings. This phenomenon needs more research and more attention should be paid on the remnant impact of plant growth regulators applied in proliferation culture.



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