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基于随机森林模型的东北三省乔木林生物质碳储量预测  ( EI收录)  

Projected Biomass Carbon Stock of Arbor Forest of Three Provinces in Northeastern China Based on Random Forest Model



英文题名:Projected Biomass Carbon Stock of Arbor Forest of Three Provinces in Northeastern China Based on Random Forest Model

作者:田惠玲[1] 朱建华[1,2] 何潇[3] 陈新云[4] 简尊吉[1] 李宸宇[1] 郭学媛[1] 黄国胜[4] 肖文发[1,2]








外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:growth-loss model;random forest algorithm;national forest resources inventory;multivariate;biomass carbon stock


摘要:【目的】利用全国森林资源清查固定样地连续监测数据,通过机器学习算法构建基于多因子的森林生长模型,提高森林生长和固碳量的模拟精度,预测东北三省乔木林未来碳汇潜力,探索乔木林碳汇的潜在分布,为准确定位我国东北森林在增汇减排中的作用以及科学制定国家“碳中和”行动路径和目标管理提供科学指导。【方法】利用1999—2018年4次全国森林资源连续清查固定样地监测数据,结合区域气候、土壤、林分和地形因子,采用随机森林模型构建区域主要优势树种(组)的生长-消耗模型,运用未来气候情景与未来乔木林面积扩增情景,预测东北三省2015—2060年间乔木林生物质碳储量变化与碳汇潜力。【结果】东北三省乔木林生物质碳储量2060年可达3393.15 TgC,比2015年增加1895.23 TgC,2015—2060年间年碳汇量为42.12 TgC·a-1,其中天然林是主体。辽宁省、吉林省和黑龙江省乔木林生物质碳储量分别由2015年的139.19、463.58和895.15 TgC增至2060年的328.95、915.83和2148.37 TgC,乔木林平均生物质碳密度分别由2015年的32.71、59.75和45.11 MgC·hm-2增至2060年的75.20、109.32和85.24 MgC·hm-2。2015—2060年间辽宁省、吉林省和黑龙江省乔木林生物质年碳汇量分别为4.22、10.05和27.85 TgC·a-1。【结论】本研究构建的随机森林模型表现效果较好,能够用于东北三省未来乔木林碳储量预测。2015—2060年东北三省乔木林生物质碳储量将增加1895.23 TgC,未来仍具有较大碳汇潜力。黑龙江省的碳汇潜力最大,年碳汇量达27.85 TgC·a-1,是未来重要的碳增汇区域;辽宁省的碳汇潜力较弱,年碳汇量仅为4.22 TgC·a-1。加强中、幼龄林经营管理,适度更新成、过熟林,有助于提升东北三省乔木林碳汇功能,发挥我国东北森林在增汇减排以及实现区域“碳中和”目标中的作用。
【Objective】Based on the data of permanent monitoring plots of the successive national forest inventories,a multi-factor forest growth model was constructed through the machine learning algorithm,which improves the simulation accuracy of forest growth and carbon sequestration,predicts the future carbon sink potential of arbor forests of the three provinces in northeast China,and explore the potential distribution of arbor forest carbon sink.It provides a scientific guidance for accurately locating the role of forests in northeast China in increasing sinks and reducing emissions,and scientifically formulating the national“Carbon Neutral”action path and target management.【Method】Based on the data of permanent monitoring plots of the successive national forest inventories from 1999 to 2018,and combined with multiple influence factors such as regional climate,soil,forest stand and topography,etc.,we used the random forest algorithm to construct a growth-loss model of the main dominant tree species(groups)in the region.Combining the future climate and arbor forest area expansion scenario,the biomass carbon stock(BCS)and BCS changes of arbor forests of the three provinces in northeast China from 2015 to 2060 were predicted.【Result】The BCS of arbor forests of three provinces in northeast China reached 3393.15 TgC in 2060,an increase of 1895.23 TgC compared with that in 2015,and the annual mean BCS changes was 42.12 TgC·a-1 during 2015-2060.Natural forests played the major role in the BCS and BCS changes.The BCS of arbor forests in Liaoning,Jilin,and Heilongjiang will be increased from 139.19,463.58,and 895.15 TgC in 2015 to 328.95,915.83,and 2148.37 TgC in 2060,respectively.The average biomass Carbon Density(BCD)of arbor forests will be increased from 32.71,59.75,and 45.11 t·hm-2 in 2015 to 75.20,109.32,and 85.24 t·hm-2 in 2060,respectively,and the average annual biomass carbon sinks of arbor forests in Liaoning,Jilin,and Heilongjiang from 2015 to 2060 are 4.22,10.05,and 27.85 TgC·a-1,respectively.【Conclusion】The random forest model constructed in this study performs well and can be used to predict the future BCS of arbor forests of three provinces in northeast China.From 2015 to 2060,the BCS of arbor forests of three provinces in northeast China will be increased by 1895.23 TgC,which will still have a large carbon sink potential in the future.Heilongjiang Province has the largest carbon sink potential,with an annual increase of carbon storage up to 27.85 TgC·a-1,which is an important carbon sink area in the future;while Liaoning Province is weaker,with an annual increase of carbon storage by only 4.22 TgC·a-1.Strengthening the management of the young and middle-aged forests,moderately regenerating the mature and over-mature forests,and enhancing the carbon sink function of arbor forests of the three provinces in northeast China will help to improve the role of forests in achieving the goal of“Carbon Neutral”.



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