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红椎经营模式对林木生长及乔木层碳储量的影响     被引量:11

Effects of Stand Management Patterns of Castanopsis hystrix on Tree Growth and Carbon Storage Capacity



英文题名:Effects of Stand Management Patterns of Castanopsis hystrix on Tree Growth and Carbon Storage Capacity

作者:卢立华[1] 贾宏炎[1] 农友[1] 黄德卫[1] 明安刚[1] 郑路[1]








外文期刊名:Journal of Northeast Forestry University





外文关键词:Management pattern;Growth increment;Carbon storage;Biomass;Carbon content


摘要:对11年生红椎纯林、红椎×西南桦及红椎×马尾松的生长、碳素密度、生物量、碳储量及其分配进行研究。结果表明:不同经营模式红椎的胸径、树高生长量及乔木层生物量、碳储量都达极显差异(P〈0.01)。红椎胸径、树高生长量及乔木层生物量、碳储量均以红椎×西南桦最高,分别达17.87 cm、16.27 m、127.52 t·hm^-2、57.84 t·hm^-2;17.87 cm、16.27 m、127.52 t·hm^-2、57.84 t·hm^-2;其次红椎纯林,分别为13.93 cm、12.78 m、108.67 t·hm^-2、49.13 t·hm^-2;红椎×马尾松最低,分别为11.57 cm、12.03 m、70.42 t·hm^-2、32.22 t·hm^-2。红椎、西南桦、马尾松的器官碳素密度范围分别为417.20-465.37、405.93-509.90、470.70-524.67 g/kg;相同树种不同器官及不同树种相同器官的碳素密度都达到极显著差异(P〈0.01)。经营模式对乔木层生物量、碳储量在器官的分配有明显影响,模式间乔木层生物量、碳储量在器官的分配量达到极显著差异(P〈0.01)。它们在各器官的分配比例,红椎纯林从大到小为:干(63.39%、65.25%)、根(20.46%、18.87%)、枝(7.76%、7.76%)、皮(7.22%、7.02%)、叶(1.17%、1.10%);红椎×马尾松从大到小为:干(63.43%、64.49%)、根(20.73%、19.31%)、皮(7.38%、7.60%)、枝(6.58%、6.58%)、叶(1.88%、2.02%)。红椎×西南桦从大到小为:干(67.53%、68.97%)、根(11.90%、11.01%)、枝(10.10%、9.99%)、皮(8.19%、7.64%)、叶(2.28%、2.39%)。
We studied the growth increment , carbon content ,biomass , carbon storage and their space distribution pattern of pure Castanopsis hystrix, mixture of C.hystrxi and Betula alnoides, and mixture of C.hystrix and Pinus massoniana of 11-year-old.TheC .hystrix growth of DBH, tree height, total biomass and total carbon storage of the tree layer were significant dif-ferent in three different stand management patterns ( p〈0.01) , in which the mixed stand of C.hystrix and B.alnoides had the highest increment of DBH and tree height total biomass and total carbon storage increments among them 17.87 cm, 16.27 m, 127.52 t· hm^-2 and 57.84 t· hm^-2 , followed by the pure C.hystrix 13.93 cm, 12.78 m, 108.67 t· hm^-2 and 49.13 t· hm^-2 , and the lowest were mixed stand ofC .hystrix and P.massoniana only 11.57 cm, 12.03 m, 70.42 t· hm^-2 and 32.22 t· hm^-2 .The carbon contents of C.yh strix, B.alnoides and P.massoniana ranged from 417.20to 465.37 g· kg^-1 , 405.93 to 509.90 g· kg^-1 , and 470.70 to 524.67 g· kg^-1 .The carbon content were significant differences between different organs within the same tree species or different tree species in the same organs ( p〈0.01) .The biomass and the carbon storage in different organs of the tree layer of the management patterns were significantly different ( p〈0.01) .The distribution propor-tion of biomass and carbon storage in different organs of the tree layer were not the same , three management patterns , were as follows:stem (63.39%, 65.25%)〉root( 20.46%, 18.87%)〉branch (7.76%, 7.76%)〉bark (7.22%, 7.02%)〉leaf (1.17%, 1.10%) in the pure C.hystrix stand, stem (63.43%, 64.49%)〉root (20.73%, 19.31%)〉bark (7.38%, 7.60%)〉branch (6.58%, 6.58%)〉leaf (1.88%, 2.02%) in the mixed stand of C.hystrix and P.massoniana, stem (67.53%, 68.97%)〉root (11.90%, 11.01%)〉branch (10.10%, 9.99%)〉bark (8.19%, 7.64%)〉leaf (22.8 %, 23.9 %) in the mixed stand of C.hysrt ix and B.a lnoides.



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