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镉胁迫对旱柳矿质营养吸收的影响     被引量:9

Effects of Cadmium Stress on Mineral Nutrient Uptake of Salix matsudana



英文题名:Effects of Cadmium Stress on Mineral Nutrient Uptake of Salix matsudana

作者:杨卫东[1] 陈益泰[1] 王树凤[1]








外文期刊名:Forest Research





外文关键词:Salix matsudana ; cadmianm stress, mineral nutrient; nitrate ; nitrate reductase


摘要:Effect of cadmium(Cd) on the uptake of mineral nutrient in Salit matsudana was investigated in hydroponic culture with different Cd treatments(0,5,25,50 μmol·L-1) for 14 d.Cd treatment did not significantly affect K uptake in roots,in leaves,K content was increased by 5 μmol·L-1 Cd,however,no significant change was observed when treated with 25-50 μmol·L-1 Cd.In contrast,P uptake in roots was inhibited at all Cd levels,P content in leaves was decreased by 25-50 μmol·L-1 Cd.Ammonium content was elevated in roots but decreased in leaves under all Cd treatments.Nitrate content of roots and leaves showed a slight increase compared with the control.In roots,low Cd(5 μmol·L-1) enhanced the increase in NR activity,but didn’t markedly change at 25-50 μmol·L-1 Cd,NR activity of leaves was reduced in all Cd levels compared to the control.Concentrations of Zn and Mn in roots and leaves decreased with the increase of Cd in the medium,Fe concentration in roots was reduced by Cd,but translocation of Fe from roots to leaves increased in high level of Cd,Cu content was little influenced by Cd.These results suggested that Cd toxicity led to disruption of mineral nutrient uptake in S.matsudana.
Effect of cadmium (Cd) on the uptake of mineral nutrient in Salit matsudana was investigated in hydroponic culture with different Cd treatments (0, 5, 25, 50 μmol · L^-1) for 14 d. Cd treatment did not significantly affect K uptake in roots, in leaves, K content was increased by 5 μmol·L^ -1 Cd, however, no significant change was observed when treated with 25 -50 μmol · L^-1 Cd. In contrast, P uptake in roots was inhibited at all Cd levels, P content in leaves was decreased by 25 -50 μmol·L^-1 Cd. Ammonium content was elevated in roots but decreased in leaves under all Cd treatments. Nitrate content of roots and leaves showed a slight increase compared with the control. In roots, low Cd(5μmol · L^-1) enhanced the increase in NR activity, but didn't markedly change at 25 -50 μmol ·L^-1 Cd, NR activity of leaves was reduced in all Cd levels compared to the control. Concentrations of Zn and Mn in roots and leaves decreased with the increase of Cd in the medium, Fe concentration in roots was reduced by Cd, but translocation of Fe from roots to leaves increased in high level of Cd, Cu content was little influenced by Cd. These results suggested that Cd toxicity led to disruption of mineral nutrient uptake in S. matsudana.



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