交趾黄檀种源苗期生长性状地理变异和遗传稳定性分析 被引量:6
Geographical variation and genetic stability of seedling traits of Dalbergia cochinchinensis from different provenances
英文题名:Geographical variation and genetic stability of seedling traits of Dalbergia cochinchinensis from different provenances
作者:麦宝莹[1,2] 洪舟[1] 徐大平[1] 罗明道[1,2] 张宁南[1] 黄锡钊[2]
外文关键词:Dalbergia cochinchinensis Pierre;provenance;seedling trait;geographical variation;genetic stability
摘要:【目的】交趾黄檀(Dalbergia cochinchinensis)是珍稀红木树种之一,其木材及木制品极为珍贵,亦具有重要的药用价值。为了研究交趾黄檀不同种源的苗木生长差异、种源与环境互作效应、地理变异模式以及遗传稳定性,进行不同种源交趾黄檀苗期生长评价,为交趾黄檀的幼林期试验提供科学指导和理论支持,也为今后进一步开展交趾黄檀优良种源选择和育苗工作奠定基础。【方法】将引种于泰国、柬埔寨交趾黄檀10个种源的种子分别在海南乐东、广东广州和福建漳州进行多点育苗试验,并对1年生的苗木开展苗期生长性状(苗高和地径)测定与分析。用ASReml-R 3.0对种源与试验点进行方差分析,探讨种源间变异水平以及遗传稳定性;通过种源生长量均值与种子引种地的地理气候因子的简单相关分析揭示交趾黄檀苗期生长的地理变异模式;应用R语言程序(GGEBiplots)双标图进行各种源表现型及试验点的代表性分析,并采用类平均法进行基于表型的种源系统聚类分析。【结果】①不同种源交趾黄檀在3个试验点中表现一致,平均参试苗木高生长表现最好的是泰国北柳(T-CS)种源,平均地径生长表现最好的是泰国呵叻(T-NR)种源,来自柬埔寨磅湛(C-KC)种源的苗木生长表现最差。②交趾黄檀种源间苗期生长性状具有显著差异,各性状种源×地点具有极显著效应,表明种源、环境、种源×环境互作等效应对交趾黄檀苗木生长性状影响极其显著。③通过不同种源苗木多点生长表现与引种地地理气候因子的相关分析发现,10个种源交趾黄檀的生长性状在地理空间上存在一定程度的连续变异。生长性状的地理变异存在明显的气候生态学特征,主要受经度和年降雨量控制。④通过各种源在3个试验点的GGE双标图分析,泰国北柳(T-CS)种源和柬埔寨暹粒(C-SR)种源在3个试验点表现较优。柬埔寨暹粒(C-SR)种源在3个试验点的生长相对较稳定。⑤根据苗木生长表现、种源及试验点的遗传稳定性和聚类分析的结果,可以将10个种源大致划分为4个类群。生长表现最好的一类种源在苗高和地径上比最差的种源分别提高了147.23%和80.50%。【结论】通过多点多种源的联合分析可知,交趾黄檀在我国南方地区苗期生长良好,尤其适应我国海南热带地区。综合各种源苗木在各试验点的苗期生长表现,初步筛选出泰国北柳(T-CS)和柬埔寨暹粒(C-SR)2个生长表现较优且适应性较强的种源,可在我国南方热带和亚热带地区开展引种和遗传育种工作。
【Objective】Dalbergia cochinchinensis is a rosewood species in China,its wood and products are incredibly valuable,and it is also of important medicinal value.To evaluate the seedling growth of different D.cochinchinensis provenances,we studied the differences in the provenances,provenance-environment interactions,geographical variation patterns,and genetic stability of the seedling growth.We aimed to provide practical guidance and theoretical support for young period tests.Additionally,we wanted to create a good foundation for the future work on D.cochinchinensis provenance selection and cultivation.【Method】We collected seeds and carried out container seedling tests with 10 provenances from Thailand and Cambodia in Ledong Hainan,Guangzhou,Guangdong and Zhangzhou Fujian.The seedling height and ground diameter were studied in one-year-old seedlings.The genetic variation and stability of different provenances were examined using a provenance and site ANONA model in the ASReml-R 3.0 software.The geographical variations in the seedling growth of D.cochinchinensis was revealed by the relationship between the growth of different provenances and local climatic factors.The growth performance of different provenances and the discrimitiveness and representativeness of the study sites were evaluated through GGE biplots in the R-language.The cluster analysis of different provenances of D.cochinchinensis was calculated using the average linkage method.【Result】①There were similar growth performances of the different provenances in the three testing sites.The 2 sites with the best growth performance in seedling height and ground diameter were the Chachoengsao and Nakhon Ratchasima Provinces from Thailand,whereas the seedling growing performance of Kampong Cham from Cambodia was the worst.②There were highly significant differences in the growth traits among different provenances and provenance-environment interactions.The seedling growth of D.cochinchinensis was controlled by the provenance,environment and provenance-environment interaction effects.③There was a significant trend in the geographical variation of D.cochinchinensis at the seedling stage,controlled mainly by the latitude and annual rainfall,according to the correlation analysis between the multi-site growth and geographical factors of the origin regions.④We found that the Chachoengsao Province from Thailand and Siem Reap Province from Cambodia had good growth rates,and there was a relatively stable performance for the seedling growth of the Siem Reap Province,which was releveled by the additive main effects,plus a genotype-environment interaction model.⑤The 10 provenances could be divided into four groups by the seedling’s growth,genetic stability between the provinces,and environment and cluster analysis.The provenance group with the best performance was 147.23%and 80.50%higher than the worst group for seedling height and ground diameter,respectively.【Conclusion】There were good growth conditions for D.cochinchinensis at the seedling stage in southern China,especially in the tropical zone.Comprehensive analysis of the seedling growth of different provenances in 3 sites,revealed that the Chachoengsao Province from Thailand and Siem Reap Province from Cambodia,which have rapid growth rates and high adaptabilities,are the ideal origin provenances.The introduction and genetic breeding of D.cochinchinensis could be carried out in the tropical and subtropical areas of southern China.