广东3地典型彩叶树种岭南槭所在天然群落特征比较 被引量:3
Comparison of natural community characteristics of a typical colored tree species, Acer tutcheri at three sites in Guangdong
英文题名:Comparison of natural community characteristics of a typical colored tree species, Acer tutcheri at three sites in Guangdong
作者:张珂[1] 廖绍波[1] 孙冰[1] 陈勇[1,2] 罗水兴[1] 吴培培[1]
外文期刊名:Journal of Zhejiang A & F University
外文关键词:geobotany; Acer tutcheri; community structure; species diversity; interspecific associativity
摘要:岭南槭Acer tutcheri是珠江三角洲地区典型的乡土彩叶树种。研究它所在天然群落特征,可为该地区科学合理营建岭南槭风景林提供理论依据。以广东省南岭国家级自然保护区、黑石顶省级自然保护区和深圳大鹏半岛国家地质公园七娘山的岭南槭所在天然群落为对象,对比分析其物种组成、群落结构、物种多样性和主要种间关联性。结果表明:3地岭南槭所在天然群落物种丰富度表现为南岭>黑石顶>七娘山;黑石顶乔木层的岭南槭平均树高为15.1 m,红叶景观效果最好,4 cm径级以下岭南槭比例为57.14%,说明其小径级个体数量相对较多;比较岭南槭所在天然群落径级结构,3地均表现为单峰倒"J"表型趋势;3地主要木本植物种对的总体关联性呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。研究结果显示:岭南槭所在天然群落物种多样性以南岭相对较高,岭南槭对群落生境适应能力和景观效果以黑石顶相对较好,而七娘山岭南槭幼苗储备量不足。因此,在珠江三角洲地区营建改造岭南槭风景林时应适量补植幼苗,并参考南岭和黑石顶岭南槭所在天然群落的植物搭配合理选择树种,提高岭南槭风景林的物种多样性和景观效果。
Acer tutcheri is a typical native tree species in the Pearl River Delta region. Studies on the characteristics of the natural community is useful to provide some scientific proofs for the reasonable community construction of A. tutcheri scenic forest in this district. Sampling plots were set up in the A. tutcheri natural communities of Guangdong Nanling National Nature Reserve, Heishiding Nature Reserve and Shenzhen Dapeng Peninsula National Geopark Qiniangshan. Comparative analyses of their species composition, species community structure, species diversity and interspecific association were conducted. The results show that the number of species in three regions was Nanling Heishiding Qiniangshan. The average tree height of A. tutcheri in Heishiding is 15.1 m, and showed the best red leaf landscape effect than the other two sites. Tree height of A.tutcheri, lower than 2.0 m is 52% of all trees and there is relatively abundant small size trees in Nanling. The diameter class structure of Nanling showed the pattern with multi peaks, while Heishiding and Qiniangshan showed inverted "J" type distribution pattern. The 105 species pair correlation of 15 species of woody plants in three regions showed a significant positive correlation. These results reflect the relatively high diversity of Acer tutcheri community in Nanling. A. tutcheri community environmental adaptability and landscape effect is relatively better in Heishiding. A. tutcheri seedlings is relatively rare in Qiniangshan. Therefore, the construction of the transformation of A. tutcheri scenic forest in the Pearl River Delta should consider the seedling plantation and the tree arrangement, with the reference of A. tutcheri communities in Nanling and Heishiding,in order to improve A. tutcheri scenic forest species diversity and landscape effect.