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西南桦树皮精油产量和成分随树龄的变化规律     被引量:3

Tree age variation in the yield and composition of essential oil from Betula alnoides bark



英文题名:Tree age variation in the yield and composition of essential oil from Betula alnoides bark

作者:王彩云[1,2] 杨海宽[3] 王春胜[1] 庞圣江[4] 王欢[1] 曾杰[1]








外文期刊名:Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology





外文关键词:Betula alnoides;steam distillation;GC-MS;retention index;volatile components


【Objective】To provide basic data for further rational development and utilization of Betula alnoides resources, essential oil extraction, volatile component identification and component analysisofbarks collected fromdifferent partsof Betula alnoides trees with different ages were conducted.【Method】Healthy trees were selected from 11, 21, 29 and 40-year-old B. alnoides experimental and demonstration forests in Pingxiang City, Guangxi, their stembarksand branch barks were collected, dried naturally and crushed, and their essential oils were then extracted by steam distillation. Volatile components were separated by gaschromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS) and automatically searched by computer., and the relative content of each volatile component was calculated by peak area normalization method.【Result】With the increase of tree age, the extraction rate of essential oil from stembarks of B. alnoides decreased from 0.08% for 11-year-old trees to 0.02% for 40-year-old ones. The extraction rate of essential oil from branch barks of 11-year-old and 21-year-old trees were the highest, both above 0.09%, and that for 40-year-old was the lowest(0.03%). A total of 19 volatile components were identified by GC-MS, including 7 esters, 6 alcohols, 3 hydrocarbones, 2 phenolsand1 ketone. 15 constituents were identified from stem barks and 14 from branch barks. The main constituents of the essential oils of stem and branch barks were all methyl salicylate(96.44% and 98.00%), linalool(2.16% and 0.41%) and benzoic acid, 2-hydroxy-,ethylester(0.96% and 0.53%). The other common constituents for both barks were ethyl2-(5-methyl-5-vinyltetrahydrofuran-2-yl) propan-2-yl carbonate, eucalyptol, terpinen-4-oland(+)-2-bornanone. The number of volatile components in essential oils from stem barks increased gradually from 4 compounds for 11-year-old trees to 6 compounds for 40-year-old trees, while there was no significant difference in those from branch barks between trees with different ages.【Conclusion】The contents of essential oils in B. alnoides barks were significantly correlated with tree ages and tree parts. The volatile components were mainly esters.In particular,the relative content of methyl salicylate was high up to above 96 %, while it was not obviously different between tree ages as well as tree parts.The main volatile components of the essential oil from the barks of B. alnoides have great potential for development, and it is recommended that the barks be collected and utilized when thinning and harvesting of this species.



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