木荷优树无性系种质SSR标记的遗传多样性分析 ( EI收录) 被引量:4
Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Schima superba Plus Tree Germplasms by SSR Markers
英文题名:Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Schima superba Plus Tree Germplasms by SSR Markers
作者:杨汉波[1] 张蕊[1] 王帮顺[2] 徐肇友[2] 陈焕伟[2] 周志春[1]
通信作者:Zhang, Rui
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:Schima superba ; plus tree ; SSR markers ; genetic diversity ; genetic structure
摘要:【目的】利用SSR标记深入研究木荷优树无性系种质的遗传多样性,揭示其遗传多样性地理分布特点及种质间遗传关系,为木荷种质资源的保护和育种亲本的选择提供理论依据。【方法】利用10对SSR引物,分析我国5个省份24个地区的734份木荷优树无性系种质的遗传多样性和遗传结构。利用CERVUS、Gen AIEx 6.5、NTSYS、Arlequin和STRUCTURE 2.3软件进行无效等位基因检测、遗传参数估算、主坐标分析、聚类图构建、遗传变异分析及遗传结构分析。【结果】10对引物共检测到105个等位基因(Na),平均每个引物为10.5个,ss16引物检测到的等位基因数最多,为16个。Shannon’s信息指数(I)变化范围为1.121~1.908,平均值为1.473;多态信息指数(PIC)范围为0.557~0.807,平均值为0.668;平均期望杂合度(He)和观测杂合度(Ho)分别为0.713和0.735。木荷优树无性系种质的主坐标(PCo A)和遗传结构分析基本可以保持一致,供试734份木荷优树无性系种质可被分为3个PCo A类群,而在遗传结构上可划分为5个群组。24个种质群体间遗传距离范围为0.030~0.804,平均为0.230,表明群体间的亲缘关系较近,但仍有部分种质群体间存在较远的亲缘关系,如HNSZ和GDSX,JXFY和FJSX等;不同种质群体Shannon’s信息指数(I)变化范围为0.980~1.431,遗传多样性与地理分布不完全相关。STRUCTURE分析表明,71.1%的木荷优树无性系种质遗传组分相对比较单一,28.9%的种质遗传背景比较复杂。分子方差分析(AMOVA)表明,供试的木荷优树无性系种质有5.91%的遗传变异存在于群体间,而94.09%的遗传变异来自于群体内。【结论】木荷优树无性系种质存在丰富的遗传多样性,各群体间遗传多样性水平相差较大。在木荷杂交育种亲本选配时不仅要考虑地理远缘,还应考虑亲本群体(个体)间的亲缘关系。
[ Objective ] As a precious broadleaf timber and an efficient tree species for biological fire prevention, Schima superba plays an important role in commercial timber production forests and ecological fireproof forest construction. In depth studies of genetic diversity of S. superba plus tree clones using SSR markers are particularly important (for conservation, utilization of genetic resources, and future breeding programs for this plant species. [ Method] A total Qf,,734 clones of S. superba plus trees from 24 areas of five provinces in China, were analyzed systematically with 10,SSR primer pairs. The GenAIEx 6.5 and CERVUS software were used for genetic diversity parameters calculation, principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) and null alleles detection. NTSYS software was used for cluster analysis based on the matrix of Nei' s genetic identity. The Arlequin software was used for analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA). STRUCTURE 2.3 software was used to analyze genetic structure. [ Result] The results showed that 105 alleles were detected among the germplasm accessions, with an average of 10.5 alleles per pair of primers. The maximum number of alleles was detected in primer ssl6 with a value of 16. The Shannon' s information index (I) was ranged from 1. 121 to 1. 908, with an average of 1. 473. The polymorphism information content (PIC) was ranged from 0. 557 to 0. 807, with an average of 0. 668. The expected and observed heterozygosity were 0. 713 and 0. 735, respectively. The results of principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) and genetic structure analysis were basically consistent with each other, tile 734 clones were divided into three groups in PCoA or five subgroups in STRUCTURE analysis. The genetic distance of 24 populations were ranged from 0. 030 to 0. 804, with an average of O. 230. The results showed that there were close genetic relationship between populations, but, there were still larger genetic distances between some populations, such as HNSZ and GDSX, JXFY and FJSX, etc. The Shannon' s information index (I) of populations were ranged from 0. 980 to 1. 431, and the genetic diversity was not significantly correlated to geographic distribution. The results of genetic structure analysis indicated that 71. 1% S. superba plus tree clones displayed a simple genetic structure, and the rest 28.9% displayed a mixed genetic structure. The AMOVA results showed that the differentiation among populations contributed to 5.91% of the total genetic variation, and the differentiation within populations contributed 94.09% of the total genetic variation. [ Conclusion ] All the results showed that there was a high level of genetic diversity in S. superba plus tree germplasms, and a significant difference of genetic diversity among populations. When selecting mating parents,the mating pairs should be geographically distant, and genetic relationship between populations or individuals should also be taken into account.