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Temporal and spatial variation characteristics of atmospheric pollutants in main city area and its suburban forest of Mentougou,Beijing



英文题名:Temporal and spatial variation characteristics of atmospheric pollutants in main city area and its suburban forest of Mentougou,Beijing

作者:郭嘉[1] 辛学兵[1] 郭慧[1] 法蕾[1] 裴顺祥[1] 吴迪[1] 马淑敏[1]












外文关键词:suburban forest;atmospheric pollutants;temporal and spatial variation characteristics


The conclusions of previous studies on the temporal and spatial characteristics of urban atmospheric pollutants are not consistent and there is uncertainty in the results of the studies on the cooperative variation of atmospheric pollutants in urban forest and its surroundings.This study was based on three sets of fixed air quality monitoring stations established in Mentougou,Beijing,the major atmospheric pollutants sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides were studied,the daily,monthly,seasonal and under specific weather conditions variations of the concentration of major air pollutants in typical community,forest edge and forest interior,and the temporal and spatial variation characteristics of atmospheric pollutants in main city area and its suburban forest of Mentougou in Beijing were revealed.The results show that,the concentration of SO2 during the night in the forest is higher than that during the day and the rest are higher during the day than at night.The daily variation of nitrogen oxides in the forest is bimodal and the residential area is unimodal.The daily variations of SO2 in residential areas and forest margins show a single–peak pattern.The daily variation of SO2 in the forest is a concave type in autumn and no obvious characteristics in winter.SO2 concentrations in forests,forest margins,and residential areas are higher in winter than in autumn.NO2 in forests and residential areas are higher in autumn than in winter,and there are no significant differences in NO and NOx between winter and autumn.The residential area and forest SO2 reached the peak in February,and the forest edge reached the peak in January.The nitrogen oxides in the forest reached the peak in October-November,and the residential areas peaked in November–December.Nitrogen oxides are significantly higher in residential areas than in forests.In the autumn,however,the SO2 concentrations in the forest and residential areas are significantly higher than those in the forest margins.In the process of typical atmospheric pollution,the concentration of nitrogen oxides in the forest is smaller than that in residential areas and has significant lagging characteristics in autumn,but in winter,the concentrations of NO and NOx in forest air are smaller than those in residential areas and there is no obvious lagging feature.In the autumn and winter,the concentration of SO2 in forest air fluctuates more than forest margin and residential area,and there is no obvious lagging feature.There is significantly positive correlation between atmospheric pollutant concentrations at different observation points.Suburban forests can buffer,resist and absorb atmospheric pollutants in surrounding cities.However,under specific weather conditions,atmospheric pollutants in forests will spread to cities.



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