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栗杂交F_(1)代群体遗传结构及其农艺性状关联分析     被引量:2

Genetic Structure and Association Analysis with Agronomic Traits of F_(1) Hybrids of Chestnut



英文题名:Genetic Structure and Association Analysis with Agronomic Traits of F_(1) Hybrids of Chestnut

作者:江锡兵[1] 章平生[1] 张东北[2] 吴仁超[2] 吴剑[2] 吴聪连[2] 赖俊声[2] 龚榜初[1]








外文期刊名:Forest Research





外文关键词:Castanea;hybrids;SSR marker;population genetic structure;association analysis


摘要:[目的]解析控制栗属农艺性状的自然等位变异并获得与其相关联的SSR位点,为分子标记辅助选择和高效育种奠定基础。[方法]以涵盖9个杂交组合的235份栗杂交子代混合群体为材料,采用SSR标记对其进行群体遗传结构和连锁不平衡(LD)分析,并将32个高多态性SSR标记与25个农艺性状进行关联分析。[结果]统计概率P<0.05时,32对SSR标记组成496个位点中存在一定的连锁不平衡,其中,74个位点的连锁不平衡水平较高,占总标记对的14.92%;而P<0.01时,32个SSR位点间LD总体水平较低。群体遗传结构分析结果显示,当K=4时,Delta K值接近最大。据此,F_(1)代混合群体被划分为4个亚群,且每个亚群中子代分布呈现出一定的遗传分化,平均混合度为0.120。GLM模型中,高达28个SSR标记位点与树高等24个农艺性状呈极显著关联,每个性状可检测到关联的SSR位点数1~22个不等,解释率范围为4.65%~24.02%;MLM模型中,得出26个SSR位点与树高等23个性状呈极显著关联,解释率范围为5.04%~24.02%。综合两种模型关联分析结果,发现15个SSR标记与树高等3个生长性状关联,14个SSR标记与1年生枝条长度等3个枝条性状关联,26个SSR标记与叶片长度等18个叶片表型及其光合生理性状关联。[结论]ICMA017s等15个SSR标记分别与树高等13个农艺性状高度关联,标记对性状的解释率均在10.00%以上,且存在同一标记与多个性状、同一性状与多个标记高度关联的现象。
[Objective]To analyze the natural allelic variation which controls agronomic characters and obtain the associated SSR loci of chestnut for supporting molecular marker assisted selection and efficient breeding.[Method]A total of 235 chestnut hybrid progeny populations covering 9 cross combinations were used to analyze the genetic structure and linkage disequilibrium(LD)of the populations.And association analysis of 32 highly polymorphic SSR markers with 25 agronomic traits were conducted.[Result]There was a certain linkage disequilibrium in 496 loci of 32 SSR markers when P<0.05,among which 74 loci had a higher level of linkage disequilibrium than the others,accounting for 14.92%of the total marker pairs.However,when P<0.01,the overall level of LD among the 32 SSR loci was low.Genetic structure analysis results showed that when K=4,the Delta K value approximated the maximum.The F_(1) mixed population was divided into four sub-populations,and the distribution of offspring in each sub-population showed a certain degree of genetic differentiation,with an average degree of mixing of 0.120.In the GLM model,up to 28 SSR loci were significantly associated with 24 agronomic traits,and the associated SSR loci ranged from 1 to 22 for each trait,with interpretation rates ranging from 4.65%to 24.02%.In the MLM model,26 SSR loci were significantly associated with 23 traits,and the interpretation rates ranged from 5.04%to 24.02%.Based on the correlation analysis results of the two models,15 SSR markers were associated with 3 growth traits,14 SSR markers were associated with 3 branch traits,and 26 SSR markers were associated with 18 leaf phenotype and photosynthetic physiological traits.[Conclusion]15 SSR markers including ICMA017s are highly correlated with 13 agronomic traits,and the interpretation rates of markers for traits are more than 10.00%.In addition,there is a phenomenon that the same marker is highly correlated with multiple traits and the same trait is highly correlated with multiple markers.



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